Shock - Marie Johnston Page 0,56

or hauling new furniture to your house, it all sounds like fun.”

He lifts Jayden and we start for the front doors to meet Ryan. “Our house used to get chaotic at times. Karoline and Ryan were best friends one minute and mortal enemies the next. Add in me and we could get rowdy.”

Now that Ford’s in a better place with Cass and Jayden, the good times from his childhood are resurfacing more. He’s not the only one in a better place. Sunnyville fits me more than I thought it would when I ran here a year ago. Maybe someday I’ll look back on my own early years with a little less resentment too.


Ryan gets in behind the wheel of his old Silverado. My nieces clamber into the back. They doted on Jayden like he was a tiny rock star, and my kid loved every minute. Older kids fascinate him; older kids at his beck and call are even better.

The bed was put together and the dresser anchored to the wall. The toy chest was filled with a few extra toys, ones that I didn’t buy but that Hallie and Megan insisted on once they were in the store and met their little cousin.

Ryan’s window is down, giving me a chance to tell him one more time, “Thanks, man.”

“Anytime. You coming over this weekend?”

I duck my head. “That’s the plan.”

“Lia and Jayden coming too?”

“Lia is. I’ll have to see if I can bring Jayden.”

Concern mingles with annoyance on his face. “If you need any help with that, I have friends who’ve been down that road.”

That road, meaning custody battles? But there’s two sets of ears listening intently in the back. “I’ll let you know.”

“Keep it in mind.”

My initial instinct to brush off offers like that stalls. Custody battle. It’s a line I couldn’t afford to cross before. But my financial state now isn’t as dire as it was three years ago. I have student loans that are getting whittled down each month, but I don’t need to help Mom anymore. This house is paid for and my job is stable.

Ryan pulls away and I wander into the house. Lia’s stretched out on the rug on the floor while Jayden plays with his Duplos next to her.

I lean against the doorframe and take a moment to soak up this scenario. Jayden was one of the reasons I never let my dates get close, but I couldn’t imagine keeping Lia at a distance. She’s a natural with him. Not overly pushy, but she never ignored him. She cared for him because he was mine. “You can say ‘I told you so’ now.”

“I’m just glad it didn’t backfire. Megan and Hallie are sweet.”

“Yeah.” I lower myself next to her and run my hand along her back. We keep our PDAs down in front of Jayden. But being around Lia all day and not touching is getting old.

I soak in the quiet. Jayden’s chilling after the little nap he got while ten-year-old Megan rocked him in the living room and Ryan, Lia and I put the room together. Eight-year-old Hallie hung up décor that she insisted was perfect for Jayden even though they’d just met.

“I hope he can come with us next weekend,” Lia says quietly.

“Me too.” I’ve been anticipating Cass’s moods and how and when to ask her about the cookout. She took the weekend off for some self-care so tonight might be the best. Or I could wait until the day is closer so she doesn’t have time to change her mind.

Frustration ripples under my skin. Not knowing when I get to see him next and what I can do with him is getting old.

The minutes tick by, but after the busy day, the quiet is soothing.

The doorbell rings.

“There’s Mommy.” I swoop Jayden up and go to answer. Cass waits on the doorstep, her skin and hair glowing from all her pampering at the spa.

“Hi,” she says brightly, her gaze lifting behind me to Lia, her expression remaining neutral. “How’d it go?”

“Good.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her about our day, but I hold back the details. “He should be worn out. We did a lot of running around today.”

Her brows lift and she takes Jayden from me. “Oh?”

Lia comes next to me and hands the overnight bag to me. “He was so good at the store.”

Surprise lifts Cass’s brows. This is the first time I’ve done more with Jayden than just watch and entertain him. This was the Copyright 2016 - 2024