Shock - Marie Johnston Page 0,50

lips and plaster hot kisses down her neck. We’re out in the open. This trail isn’t public, but I won’t risk exposing her to any unsuspecting eyes. Doesn’t mean I’m ready to douse this fire that’s started.

Wedging my hand between us, I find her zipper. I wasn’t doing the digging so I’m free to use my clean hands for the dirtiest activities.


“Just this, Lia.” Extreme delight slides through me when I discover her pants are elastic. Yesss. “I have my treasure right here and I want to play with it.”

“Oh God,” she groans. “You’re naughty.”

With that simple statement, I know she’s never done anything like this under the summer sun.

My fingers find her drenched center. I growl and nip her neck. “You’re so fucking sexy.”

She circles her hips, anxious for release. I take a quick peek down each side of the trail. Assured we’re alone, I slow down and slide my finger back and forth between her labia, teasing her clit with each stroke.

“Ford, what the hell are you doing?” She grinds down on me, yearning for more.

“Just enjoy it. We don’t have to rush, no one’s coming.” Lia’s a good girl. Doing it in public is scandalous, but she wants this. I can give it to her without the risk. Even if there’s a Peeping Tom with binoculars, he won’t see more than us making out.

She briefly pouts but it turns into a moan as I circle her swollen nub. I string out her pleasure, male satisfaction tightening my gut. I’m the expert on her body. No one else.

She’s rocking, straining, trying to get off and I won’t let her. The longer the wait, the bigger the release. She needs me to finish and my inner caveman wants to claim her so hard that she can’t think of doing this with anyone else. To claim her so hard she’ll never leave.

Her gasps are getting shorter and her legs quiver. At last, I thrust two fingers inside and slide my thumb over her clit.

A shout escapes her as she goes rigid. She throws her head back, the sun making her hair gleam until it looks like I have an angel in my arms.

“Oh my God, Ford!” Her shout is carried away by the wind. Fingers dig into my shoulders and I ease the hold of my other arm as she arches back, wet heat flooding my hand.

When she sags, I withdraw my hand and gather her against me. “I’ve got you.”

“I’m jelly,” she groans into the crook of my neck. “How am I going to hike back after that?”

“I’ll carry you,” I murmur against her hair.

“You would try, too.”

“Do you doubt me?” Watching her fall apart in my arms has left me with a metric ton of lust to burn off.

Helping her stand, I wait until she’s steady before I rush through the quickest burial this geocache box has ever seen. She’s shrugging into her backpack by the time I stand. I put mine on backward so it’s over my stomach and turn around.

Waving to my back, I say, “Hop on.”

She doesn’t move. “You’re kidding.”


“No. Just no. It’s not a short walk.”

“I’m dying here, Lia. If I don’t carry you, I might take you in the dirt.” I look over my shoulder to show her how serious I am. I won’t attack her, but I’m hurting and I miss her weight on me.

“If you get a hernia, I’m going to be an anonymous caller and vanish before EMS arrives.”


She’s ginger about crawling on, but I hitch her legs up and she twines her ankles together. I start at a walk and pick up my pace.

“Seriously, you’re running,” she shrieks and clings tighter.

Yes, I’m running. All those hours on my days off working out with the firemen after Cass dumped me is paying off.

I don’t trip or stumble the entire way. Her breath in my ear is my accelerant. I want her breathing heavy and wrapped around me but facing the other direction. And her car might provide enough shelter to make that happen.

We near her car and she digs her keys out and hits the unlock button. I don’t drop her at the driver’s door but round the back instead.

She slides down my body as I open the door behind her, and any blood diverted from my dick during that run rushes right back.

“I can’t believe you did that.” She’s out of breath, her cheeks still flushed with her orgasm.

“Fireman fundraiser. We used to do stupid relays with the firemen Copyright 2016 - 2024