Shock - Marie Johnston Page 0,43

be around forever. The next landlord is going to charge higher rent. Without Mrs. Rosenthal, I’ll probably want to move rather than live right on top of another family.

I could move.

I blink at the realization. I could move now.

“Go on out.” Maggie waves me out of the kitchen. “Have fun. I’ve got supper taken care of.”

My feet move but my mind stays on thoughts of leaving Sunnyville. I came here to start over. Now I have a versatile career. I have work experience. I don’t have debt.

Where would I go?

I stop before the gate and stare at the blue of the pool. The door slides open behind me and Ford’s voice is a welcome distraction. “I’ll be right back.”

I nod without looking back. I flip up the latch on the gate and leave it open for him. Kicking off my sandals, I sit on the edge of the water by the entry stairs. My gaze lingers on the water as if some chlorine mermaid will rise and tell me my future.

Going back to San Francisco isn’t an option. I furrow my brow. And it’s not because of Samuel.

I can picture his dark eyes, his perfectly combed hair with the manageable cowlick on the right side. The way he used to look at me, how he used to be so sweet, I’d forget everything. I’d forget that I hated the hustle and bustle of campaigning. I’d forget how much it sucked to think about what I looked like every single time I left the house. I’d forget that I wasn’t ready to settle down and have my life revolve around someone else.

I can remember his sweet words and his low, sexy voice and I don’t want it. I don’t want him.

Going back to San Francisco isn’t an option because of the cost, not because I’m afraid I’ll fall harder for Samuel than I did before.

I blow out a breath. Whoa.

My feet swing in the cool water. I’m free. For the first time since I left home, I’m free to do whatever the hell I want, wherever the hell I want.

“How’s the water?” Ford’s in plain black trunks and his defined chest is hidden by a toddler in matching trunks and a striped white and black swim shirt. Jayden squirms to get down as soon as they’re close to the steps, a rubber ducky clutched in his tiny hands. “Hold on, big guy.”

“The water’s great, but it looks like you’re going to earn every bit of your lifeguard training with that one.”

“Right?” He spins Jayden around in his arms and descends into the water. Jayden giggles and kicks his feet as soon as the water touches them. “Between coaching and lifeguarding, you’d think I trained for this dad gig my entire life.”

“Don’t forget the pediatrician part.”

Muscles ripple across his back, but his gaze stays on Jayden as he splashes and giggles. “I didn’t do the pediatrician part.”

“I don’t mean to pry…” I don’t, but I’ve learned to tread carefully around this subject. “Have you thought of another type of residency, like family medicine or emergency? It’s not too late, not for someone with your caliber of training and experience.”

“Except that most other medical students have my caliber of training and experience and they didn’t give up when life got tough.”

“Neither did you.”

The look he gives me says I should know better. “The residency programs won’t see it like that. Besides, there aren’t any teaching hospitals in Sunnyville and I can’t move.”

The finality in his voice should stop more questions, but I have one more. “What if Cass moves?”

“She won’t.” He helps Jayden onto the top stair, where he can sit and play with the water going to his belly. Ford sits a couple of steps down, the water lapping his strong chest. “She’s got a good job in hospital administration and she’s out from under her parents’ thumb.” He cocks a brow. “Sound familiar?”

Other than the job part, where I’m making much less each year. “I can go at any time, Ford. And there’s nothing keeping her in Sunnyville but you.”

He frowns. “There’s Jayden.”

The boy glances up at his name and grins. Ford bobs the rubber duck and Jayden’s squeals and makes a grab for it.

“She’s here for you. With her family’s money, she could go anywhere. She wants you.” I wait for the insecure jealousy that usually haunts me when I think of Samuel’s ex-wife, but instead I’m just worried for Ford.

He looks at me and sees how serious I am. Copyright 2016 - 2024