Shipwrecked with Mr. Wrong - By Nikki Logan Page 0,70

to be here to welcome you back to town, and to try and slow down Jace. Not an easy job.”

Since Paige and Bradley had their heads together going over papers, they walked out into the hall. “I’m not sure if you remember me.”

“I remember a lot about Destiny. Like you and your sisters. You were a little older than I was in school, but everyone knew about the Keenan girls.”

Morgan smiled. “And of course being Lyle’s daughter, everyone knew of you, too. I hope you have good memories of our town.”

Except for her parents’ marriage falling apart, along with her childhood. “Mostly, especially the decorated Christmas tree in the square. Do you still do that?”

Morgan smiled. “Oh, yes and it’s grown bigger and better every year.” She paused. “Our mom said you have a reservation at the inn for tonight.”

She nodded. “I don’t feel right about staying at the house.”

The redhead gripped her hand. “You don’t have to explain. I only want your visit here to be as pleasant as possible. If there is anything else, any details about your father’s funeral.”

Lori quickly shook her head. “Not now.”

Morgan quickly changed the subject. “Look, I know Jace isn’t giving you a very good impression at the moment, but he’s having some trouble with the Mountain Heritage complex.”

“I take it my father was involved in it, too.”

Morgan waved her hand. “We can save that discussion for another time. You need to rest after your trip. Be warned, Mom will ask you to dinner...with the family.”

Lori wasn’t really up to it. She wanted a room and a bed, and to make a quick call back home to her sister.

Morgan must have sensed it. “It’s only the family and no business, or probing questions. We’ll probably bore you to death talking about kids.”

Lori relaxed. She truly didn’t want to think about what would happen tomorrow.

“You’re right. That’s what I need tonight.”

* * *

That evening as Jace was driving to the Keenan Inn, he came to the conclusion that he’d blown his chance earlier today. He tapped his fist against the steering wheel, angry about the entire mess.

“Daaad, you’re not listening.”

Jace looked in the rearview mirror to the backseat. “What, sweetie?”

“Do I look all right?”

He glanced over his shoulder. His daughter, Cassandra Marie Yeager, was a pretty girl. She had on stretchy jean pants that covered coltish long legs and a pink sweater that had ruffles around the hem. Her long blond hair had curled around her face with a few tiny braids. Something she’d talked him into helping with.

“You look nice. But you always do.”

“We’re going to Ellie’s grandmother’s house. Ellie Larkin is my best friend.”

“I think she’ll like your outfit.”

“What about my hair?”

“Honey, I’ve always loved your blond curls. The braids are a nice touch.”

That brought a big smile to her face and a tightening in his throat. All he ever wanted was for her to be happy.

When they’d moved here six months ago, it hadn’t been easy for her. He still only had temporary custody of his daughter. It was supposed to be only during the time when her mother remarried a guy from England. Jace had different plans. He wanted to make Cassie’s life here with him permanent. Optimistic that could happen, he went out and bought a run-down house with horse property. Although it needed a lot of work, it felt like the perfect home for them. A couple horses helped coax his seven-year-old daughter into adjusting a little faster to their new life.

A life away from a mother who’d planned to take his Cassie off to Europe. He was so afraid that his little girl would end up in boarding school and he’d only get to see her on holidays.

No, he wouldn’t let that happen. A product of the foster care system himself, he’d always longed for a home and family. It hadn’t worked out with ex-wife Shelly, and that mistake cost him dearly—a big divorce settlement that had nearly wiped him out. Jace hadn’t cared about the money, not if he got his daughter. He only hoped they weren’t going to be homeless anytime soon.

His thoughts turned to Lorelei Hutchinson. He didn’t like how he reacted to her. Why had she angered him so much? He knew why. She had nothing to do with Lyle’s business dealings. But she was due to inherit a lot of money tomorrow, and he could be handed the shaft at the same time. It could cost him everything that mattered. His daughter. Copyright 2016 - 2024