Shielded Wrongs (Bellandi Crime Syndicate # 4) - Adelaide Forrest Page 0,85

care of him, but I thought it might be more effective to have him publicly get his ass kicked by a woman. I'd seen him fight enough to know that I could beat him. So I did." I shrugged, because everything else was irrelevant.

"And Massimo has a thing for you?" Enzo grunted, his breath tickling the skin of my neck as a warning.

"I wouldn't go that far," I scoffed. "Massimo has a thing for pussy, is more accurate, and I think it surprised him that he liked watching me beat the shit out of Erik. He tried to be the dick waiting in my changing room when the fight was over. I said no and that was that. He's just dramatic."

As the winning fighter danced around in the cage below us, the other one was dragged out unconscious. He'd only just been carted to his dressing room when the next fighter bounced into the ring. No gloves in the Underground, the tape wrapped around his hands contrasted his deep skin as he grinned around his mouth guard.

Dental hygiene was important in fight club.

Enzo's hand slid inside the slit of my skirt, his rough fingers kneading the flesh of my thigh while we watched the fight begin. "I don't like knowing that Massimo wants what's mine. This is my pussy, and I'll kill any man who dares to touch it."

My hips slid back on his lap as my breathing came faster. The tease of those treacherous fingers on my skin set me on fire, and knowing that anyone who walked by the Bellandi box could see his hand disappearing inside my skirt only served to drive me higher.



I slid my hand further between her thighs, my pinky finger brushing against the lace of Sadie's thong. "You're already wet, Carina," I murmured, touching my lips to her jaw. "You like watching them fight?" I asked, slipping my hand beneath the fabric to touch her smooth skin.

The first fighter landed the first punch, striking his opponent straight in the nose while the crowd responded with a mix of cheers and complaints. Sadie leaned back against my chest, arching her back the way the stripper had when she'd given Sadie a lap dance. Slipping a finger inside her, I circled her clit with my thumb. "Yes," she gasped.

"Why?" I asked.

"The brutality. I like knowing they have all that power at their disposal," she moaned quietly, tucking her face into my neck to stifle the sound so that others nearby couldn't hear it.

"Because you want to feel them rutting between your thighs?" I asked, anger and my own jealousy coloring my tone. I'd never share her, but I'd always do what I could to encourage Sadie's adventurous side short of that.

"No," she denied. "I don't want them. I want to watch you wipe the floor with them, and then I want you to take me back to a changing room and fuck the rest of your adrenaline into me. I want you rutting between my thighs. Only you," she gasped as I added a second finger, locking her eyes on the fight below us as it devolved into a rain of fists.

The opponent wouldn't have long if he didn't block better, not with the way he was letting the other guy pummel him in the head. "I can't deliver on the fighting," I said hesitantly. I held true to not wanting people to know what I was capable of, to the fact that being underestimated was the greatest asset a man could have when it came down to life or death. Eventually, I'd find a way to give her what she wanted, but it wouldn't be in the Underground with countless people watching. "But I can take you somewhere and fuck you. Do you want that?" I asked her, thrusting my fingers in and out of her tight heat until she neared her climax. If she said no, I'd get her off and wait until we got home to fuck her, but my Baby Girl would always know that I'd give her what she needed.

Even if that was fucking her in a public place with the risk of being caught hanging over her head to add adrenaline to the mix for her. She constantly sought out her next thrill, even when it wasn't a conscious act on her part.

It was my job to make sure she could have that and still be safe while doing it.

"Yes," she moaned. "Fuck me, Enzo."

Groaning, I drew my hand Copyright 2016 - 2024