The Shattered Rose Page 0,92

in the land of grapes and almond blossoms."

"You could come with me."

They were the words she had wanted to hear, but now the reality frightened her. "No, I couldn't."

"Why not?"

"I couldn't leave my home, my friends, my family."

"I see." He sounded annoyingly calm. "Ah, well, it is probably as well that we put aside our games for now and concentrate on our friends' affairs.

Jehanne and Galeran need us clear-headed and willing to act. . . ."

See how little he cared! She pushed out of his arms. "Exactly. So, no more of your assaults, sirrah. You can see I'm a well-defended fortress."

"Adequately. Unless a strong force moves against you."

She began to walk around the cart, back to the light, fighting tears. He could at least have tried to talk her out of her decision.

"Aline . . ."

His touch on her arm froze her still in shadows. She did not speak, however, waiting, heart beating high and fast. Perhaps now he would beg.

"Don't become a nun."

Teeth gritted, Aline continued into the light, where flambeaux and the fire shooting from the mountebank's mouth seemed more like the illumination of hell than saving light. She shivered under the danger and the weighted memory of Raoul's sensual attack. She'd spent her life paddling in ponds and was now being towed out into the wild sea, which both thrilled and terrified her. Even worse, he did not seem to want to stay with her there.

If he didn't want her, what right had he to decide she should not take vows, and to try to destroy her will to do so?

Right or not, he was succeeding.

* * * * * Galeran saw Raoul spirit Aline behind the cart and noted when they emerged, noted, too, the aggrieved set to Aline's firm chin. He'd rather expected her to be kissed into a daze. What particularly interested him, however, was the expression on Raoul's face. He looked dazed enough for two.

Jehanne had noticed as well. "He really shouldn't. . ."

"Nor should she."

"He's a great deal more experienced!"

"True, but Aline has her eyes wide open."

"Just so long as that's all she has open."

Galeran raised his brows at her. "I really can't see Aline giving up her virginity in a brief encounter behind a cart, Jehanne."

She laughed and shook her head. "I know, I know. And with all our worries, I don't know why I'm fretting about her."

He rested his hand on her nape and rubbed there. "Perhaps because it's easier than fretting about more serious things. We should be in London tomorrow."

He felt her shiver. "I think I'd be happy to just wander. I'm afraid, Galeran."

"With reason." He didn't stop massaging her tense neck. "Do you want to take ship? Doubtless Raoul would give us refuge in Guyenne."

She turned to look up at him, her beauty turned wild by the fire-eater's flames. "You would do that? Leave England for me?"

Her move had brought his hand to the side of her face, and he ran his thumb down her beautiful jaw. "I would do anything for you."

"Oh, Galeran! It's tempting. I'm terrified of having to watch you die."

"Do you fear for me? I'm terrified that some punishment will be imposed on you. It is, as you say, very tempting to run away."

Her expression firmed. "But a sin. We can't."

"No, I don't think we can. I hope we don't live to regret it, though." He kissed her lightly on the lips. "But I do regret our vow."

"So do I." With a mischievous glance, she pressed a little closer and touched his chest. "Shall I play Eve, then? There's apparently a dark corner behind that cart."

His mouth went dry. Dignity argued against it, but he pulled her swiftly over to the cart and behind it, to find (hat dark and private corner.

"Not Eve," he whispered, loosening his clothes. "Just Jehanne." Then he was in her hot wetness, her legs tight around him, her hands clutching his shoulders as her body clutched his.

"Oh, God," he groaned, knowing his thrusts were probably rocking the cart at her back. "We're mad."

"Don't stop. Just don't stop!"

How she thought he might, he had no idea. The world could crash to an end around him and he wouldn't stop before the blinding relief of shooting his seed into her.

As his heart rate settled and he lowered her slowly back to the ground, he realized she'd not found her release. She made no complaint, but when he slid his hand between her thighs, she spread them and leaned against him.

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