The Shattered Rose Page 0,74

the soul for high adventure!"

"True. All I want is a quiet life on my own lands with my family around me, prospering." He looked at Raoul thoughtfully. "Do I detect restlessness? Once this excitement is over, will you be off adventuring again?"

"Perhaps." But Raoul turned to stare ahead as if a vista of swaying horses' rumps enthralled him.

"What else?" asked Galeran curiously. "Much though I love the north country, I hardly see it holding you."

"You're right there," said Raoul with an artificial shudder, for the weather had turned dull again, and there was a hint of rain in the air. "Before winter sets in, I'll be off to sunnier parts. But I've lost taste for holy wars and pointless battles. Perhaps your example is making me think of settling down."

"My example!" Galeran laughed out loud. "I'd think my experiences would suggest a long journey far away from women."

Raoul glanced sideways. "And yet you do not have the look of a completely unhappy man."

"True enough," said Galeran, laughter lingering as a smile. "If we can just settle the matter of Donata, and deal with Lowick so I can ride through my own land without fear of ambush, I'll be as happy as any man has a right to be."

"Why do you grudge me the same, then?"

Galeran concentrated, alerted by a seriousness in his friends tone. "I don't.

But I do wonder if you have the temperament for domesticity. For fidelity."

After a moment's thought, he decided to charge the issue head-on. "Surely you are not thinking of settling down with Aline? Quite apart from her intent to become a nun, she is a northern girl, born and bred. What of your beloved sun, then?"

"I'll have to try seducing her with southern fruits. . . ." Raoul glanced sideways, a rueful smile tugging at his lips. "I really do fear the Lady Aline is running so fast from my wicked ways that she just might catch me."

Galeran raised his brows. "I think this will be an interesting jaunt after all."

They stayed the night at Brome, and then set out in an even more impressive cavalcade, heading to Richmond, where they would join the remains of the ancient road that headed straight as an arrow south.

That night they asked the hospitality of a priory, but it had only separate dormitories for men and women, so Jehanne and Galeran had to part. "It's perhaps fitting," he said, "that we be chaste on this journey."

Her eyes searched his features with a shadow of concern. "I might begin to think you are growing fond of chastity."

"Never think that." He stroked her cheek with his knuckles. "It is because it's hard that it will be a suitable offering to God."

"You think we need His aid, then?"

"Don't we always?"

"And yet, you haven't been much given to sexual abstinence in our marriage, Galeran."

"And you have always had a saucy tongue. Now, if you were to insist that I perform my marital duties, we could probably find a suitable corner. . . ."

"Oh, no!" she said, capturing his teasing hand. "You won't make me into your Eve. By all means let us suffer. In your case it can be a votive offering. In mine it will be penance."

Galeran shook his head as he watched her cross to the well-separated women's quarters. Jehanne would never lose her sharp edge.

Thanks be to God.

He took a moment to slip into the chapel to offer his abstinence to God, and to pray for His assistance in this tangled matter.

* * * * * Raoul made sure that he assisted Aline down from her saddle, and escorted her to the entrance of the women's dormitory.

She looked at the sturdy door with a rather smug smile.

"I fear this journey will not provide much opportunity for your assault of my citadel, Sir Raoul."

"Do you think not? But it is a soldier's skill to find the weakness in any defense."

Her eyes flickered to his and her smile wavered. "I doubt you will find one here."

"No? In most religious houses the chapel is common ground"

Her lovely blue eyes widened. "No one would conduct dalliance in a chapel!"

"Do you think not?" Now it was his turn to smile smugly.

"If you were to do such an irreverent thing, it would only strengthen my defenses, I assure you."

"Then why do you seek to dissuade me?"

She raised her pretty, round chin. " 'Tis merely that I fear for your soul, Sir Raoul." Then she moved to open the door.

He seized her hand, stopping her. "Don't Copyright 2016 - 2024