The Shattered Rose Page 0,73

his face softened almost to childish wonder. "Where did you obtain such a miracle, my lord?"

"A miracle indeed. It is a gift from Galeran of Heywood, to thank me for bringing peace between him and you."

At that, Lowick surged to his feet. "A bribe, you mean! I see it now. You are supporting his cause against mine."

Flambard picked up the skull and contemplated it. "Such a course does have its appeal, I must admit. But no. I see no future in it, for his family would not join with me for any consideration." He replaced the skull on its cloth and addressed his tool in simple terms. "We must turn Rufus's death to our advantage, but no matter what we do, the key is still the death of the lord of Heywood."

"I will be happy to kill him in honorable combat."

"You are unlikely to have the chance unless he challenges you."

Lowick laughed. "He has not the courage!"

"Be careful how you speak, Sir Raymond. Never forget that Lord Galeran is a crusader. He is held in high respect."

Lowick paced the room, his cloak and scabbard buffeting small objects.

"Just for being there? I wish I had gone. I'd have shown them true heroism!"

"I'm sure many share your wish." When the scabbard almost toppled a candlestick, Flambard snapped, "Stand still, please!"

Lowick obeyed and Flambard continued. "Listen carefully. I hear that William of Brome and Galeran of Heywood are planning to journey south to declare themselves for Henry. They hope for his support in their case, of course. The Lady Jehanne and her child are to accompany them. You, too, must ride south with all speed and try to establish yourself in favor before they arrive. I will send Brother Forthred to assist and advise you, since he seems to feel he has a score to settle with Heywood."

"But I thought I was to take oath to Robert of Normandy."

Flambard waved a hand. "There will be many in London pledging allegiance to Henry but keeping an eye out for Robert. After all, Robert has dallied in Sicily and it might be some weeks before he returns. I, too, will set out for London tomorrow, but will not be able to make as much speed as you."

Lowick nodded. "So what must I do, my lord?"

"Appear to support Henry, and gain as much favor in that quarter as you can. As soon as the lord of Heywood appears, try to bring the matter to a challenge and kill him. Since God will have spoken through your sword, Henry will have little choice other than to give you the Lady Jehanne and her castle. Then, if Robert makes war over the Crown, you will be excellently placed to support him and rise high under his rule."

Raymond's ambitious eyes glowed at the thought. "Killing Galeran will be easy, if only I can push him into making a case of it."

"Do your best. If nothing has been achieved when I arrive in London, I have some other ideas. All that is required is that you eventually do your part and kill him. God go with you, Sir Raymond."

Raymond fell to his knee and reverently kissed Flambard's ring and then the relic before sweeping out on his holy mission.

The bishop picked up the skull. "What a useful test of men you are, to be sure. But I wish that in this struggle I had Galeran of Heywood on my side rather than Raymond of Lowick."

Chapter 12

Two days later, Galeran's party left Heywood.

Though he felt rather foolish about it, he had agreed to extreme security for the short trip to Brome. The area all around had been scoured, and everyone had been put on the alert for strangers. Today six of Lord William's men-at-arms had come over to Heywood to bolster the eight Galeran was taking on the journey.

Since the group also included Jehanne, Aline, and a maid with Donata, all riding their own horses, and ten pack horses to carry the baggage, it was an impressive entourage.

Raoul was driven to tease. He rode back to where Galeran was placed securely in the middle of the line. "We could always carry you in an iron- bound litter, safe from all harm."

Galeran scowled at him. "I could always make you stay behind to hold Heywood."

"You have no power over me," his friend declared cheerfully. "I wouldn't miss this jaunt for the world."

"Jaunt? I'm hoping this will be nothing more than a dull journey followed by tedious paperwork."

"Alas, you do not have Copyright 2016 - 2024