The Shattered Rose Page 0,67

If only we could stay in this hot, spicy cocoon forever."

That was impossible, and they both knew it, but they didn't expect the next day's news.

* * * * * William of Brome rode into Heywood when they had only just broken their fast. "The king's dead," he announced as he stamped into the hall, cloak billowing, setting the dogs to barking.

Galeran abruptly abandoned a discussion on the well and waved the wide- eyed men off to get on with the work.

"Rufus is dead? How?"

"An arrow while hunting. Can you believe it?" He lowered his voice. "Can you believe it an accident?" He jerked his head toward the solar.

Without a further word, Galeran led the way there.

Jehanne and Aline were in the solar with the baby and her nurse. They all immediately rose to leave, but Galeran said, "Jehanne. You should stay."

When the three of them were alone, Galeran said, "Now, Father. Tell us what's happened."

Lord William thumped down onto a bench, hands braced on strong legs.

"I've only had the official word plus a bit of gossip. Two days ago Rufus went hunting down near Winchester. Among the party was his brother Prince Henry, Wat Tyrel - who's connected to the Clares - and the Beau- mont brothers. Wat Tyrel managed to put an arrow through the king."

Jehanne gasped. Galeran could have gasped himself, but only said, "How very convenient."

"Hah!" said his father. "You see it without squinting! No sooner was Rufus cooling than Henry raced off to Winchester with the Beaumonts to seize the treasury. I'm summoned to London to help choose the next king, but it hardly seems worth the trip."

"He'll have been crowned by now, unless there's been a mighty move to object to him. Unlikely, with Rufus so unpopular and the other brother, Robert, not well thought of either."

"But Robert's the eldest," said Jehanne. "Will he contest this?"

Lord William nodded. "That's what I want to know. You must have met him on the crusade, Galeran."

"I served in his force most of the time. I came back with him too, separating only when he decided to dally in Sicily."

"A dallying he may live to regret."

"Do you really think so? I suspect that if Robert had come home sooner, Rufus would have died sooner."

A silence settled on the room, then Jehanne said, "Henry had his brother killed?"

Lord William nodded. "It's hard to believe otherwise. Henry Beauclerk has always wanted England. Since he's the only son of the Conqueror born here, he's always thought it his birthright, but he was only nineteen when his father died and in no position to contest it. Now he's thirty-two and a clever, skillful man. He's doubtless just been waiting his chance."

"Chance? It looks like murder."

"Accidents can happen in hunting, Jehanne," Galeran said. "It all bears considering, though." He sat on the edge of the bed. "I arrived in Bruges with a small group of crusaders, and some of those men were heading for the south of England rather than the north. In the last week or so, Henry has received word that his brother is returning healthy from the crusade, and covered with all the glory of one who saved Jerusalem from the infidel.

What's more, Robert acquitted himself quite well over there - better than he had at home. To Henry, it must have seemed that even if he managed to dispose of Rufus, Robert might be chosen king of England. Intolerable. So perhaps he had to be crude."

"The question is," interrupted Lord William, "what do we do now?"

Galeran turned to him. "What choice do we have?"

"We can support Robert's claim."

Galeran flicked a glance at Jehanne, and saw she shared his alarm at this.

"Why should we?"

"For right! Hell's flames, Galeran, are you so lost to right and wrong that you'd support a fratricidal villain on the throne?"

"I'd support the best king."

"And you think that's Henry?"

""Yes. We don't want England a province of Normandy again."

Lord William slumped down. "True enough. But it sits uneasily with me, I tell you true."

"Rufus sat uneasily with me, with his unruly followers, and his greedy thievery through men like Flambard."

Lord William frowned at him from beneath his bushy, grizzled brows. "Are you sure you're not just thinking this is a fine way to stop Ranulph Flambard from interfering in your own affairs?"

"I admit that has its appeal. Without Rufus's protection, I think Flambard's torch will be extinguished. But as far as the king goes, what choice do we have?"

Lord William rubbed uneasily at his lip with his Copyright 2016 - 2024