The Shattered Rose Page 0,66

more intimate than him sitting by her side, she did not know.

"Did you really sing the words you said?" she asked.

He glanced up at her. "Of course, though that is just the refrain. In the verses the warrior relates his pursuit of his beautiful lady. How he adored her from afar. How he undertook dangerous exploits in order to be worthy of her. How he slew any who endangered her. And all because she was as beautiful as a blossom, as pure as mountain water, and as sweet to the lips as a plump, juicy grape."

"Why do I suspect that grapes are actually sour as unripe gooseberries?"

He twisted to look at her fully, resting his arm across her thighs. "Are you so suspicious? The grapes in Guyenne are sweet as honey. Perhaps grapes can be found in London and other southern ports. One day, I promise, I will feed you a plump, juicy grape."

Dry-mouthed, Aline turned her attention back to the center of the hall, where a knight was telling a tale of monsters and magic. Raoul's arm stayed where it was, invasive, powerful, but strangely comforting.

She even found herself wanting to put her hand on his broad shoulder. She could imagine how hard it would feel beneath the cloth. How reassuring ...

She was quite relieved to be able to retreat to the lady's chamber, where she slept safely guarded by Jehanne's five ladies.

* * * * * After spending an appropriate length of time with their household, Galeran led Jehanne to their chamber. It was like so many other evenings, and yet unlike. Too many problems sat between them for ease. The nurse immediately brought Donata, and Jehanne sat to feed her. As soon as the babe had finished her meal, however, she called for the woman to take her away again.

Galeran decided not to comment. He removed his belt and robe, so he was only in braies and shirt. "Would you like to play chess?"

She looked directly at him. "I would like to make love."

Heat swept through him. "So would I." He held out his hand and she rose to place hers in it. He pulled her into his arms for a kiss, tasting her - he realized - for the first time in so long.

After, holding her tight in his arms, he said, "Sweet Savior, we didn't kiss.

Last time, we didn't kiss!"

She clung as tight to him as he to her. "I know. I noticed. Why is kissing both the first and the last thing?"

He raised her face and rubbed his thumb over the fading bruise there.

"Perhaps the kiss is universal. Even those pledged to chastity kiss, if only in peace."

But now, like a fever, he needed more than kisses. He undid her girdle and tossed it aside. Then he slid his hands beneath her tunic to find the openings provided for the babe to feed.

She gasped, relaxing back against his arm as he pleasured her breasts, first with hand, then with mouth, until she was clutching at him. Then he toppled them onto their new bed.

Loosening his braies, he pulled up her skirts and thrust into her moist heat, unable this time to hold back, or be gentle, or thoughtful. This time he could only let the wild flames consume them both, and revel in every scorching moment.

When his strength returned, he drew the curtains around the bed, enclosing them in a private world where evil could never intrude. In that darkness he stripped the clothes from her limp, sweaty body, moving her limbs as if she were a child, kissing and nipping at each bit of skin exposed.

By the time she was naked, her energy had returned and she stripped him in the same way, teasing every part of him until he was ready again. Before she could mount him, however, he tried one of the eastern tricks, and pulled her to kneel over his mouth so he could torment her with his tongue.

"Galeran!" she gasped at the first touch, and then braced her hands against the head of the bed and went silent as the tension gathered in her body. He would not let her be silent, though, and held her prisoner until she cried out.

Only then did he let her down to fill herself with his flesh, so she could ride them both into blessed oblivion.

"Oh, but this is heaven," she murmured weakly at last, tucked close into his arms. "Or hell, considering the wickedness you just practiced on me! Delicious wickedness, though. Copyright 2016 - 2024