The Shattered Rose Page 0,64

That would put Galeran in a difficult position.

One of the ladies smiled at Raoul, and he winked back at her. Aline didn't know which of the two she most wanted to throw a pitcher of icy water over.

She also had to accept that having Galeran control Raoul wouldn't be much fun.

Suddenly, she wanted some fun.

Soon, probably before Christmas, she would return to St. Radegund's.

Since she'd turned eighteen, she would be expected to take her novice's vows. This could be her last opportunity to explore the strange, frightening world of men and women. As virtually a promised bride of Christ, she shouldn't want to explore the strange, frightening world of men and women. . . .

But, on the other hand, the temptations of the flesh would never go away.

He was right. She should build her defenses.

The ladies sat down and Galeran's knights started to dance, as unashamedly performing for the women as the women had danced for the men. This was a fiercer dance, allowing them to show off their nimbleness and strength as they acted out a very explicit hunt.

One of the younger knights - dark-haired and with a wicked eye - smiled straight at Aline and did a fancy sequence of steps. Normally she would have ignored it, but this time she smiled back.

A hand gripped hers beneath the table. "Aline," said Raoul. "You are not yet ready to take on one like that."

"Am I not?" She slid a look at her partner. "But I am able to handle you, you think?"

"Not in this millennium, my sweet. It is just that I shall be using blunted weapons, and that bold adventurer is whetting a fine edge to his sword."

* * * * * Galeran nudged Jehanne. "I fear Raoul is flirting with Aline."

Jehanne slid a look sideways. "A somewhat pointless exercise."

"Perhaps it is just that - exercise. You think she's invulnerable, then?"

"Aline has always been wary about men."

"Aline was fourteen when she decided to become a nun. She spent only a year in the convent before coming here to be with you. Perhaps she has just been slow to develop an interest."

Jehanne glanced sideways again and her lips twitched. "If her interests lie that way, surely it is as well that she find that out now."

"She is not pledged to the Church?"

"No. It was completely her own idea. Uncle Hubert is pleased, of course.

Being devout, he likes the idea of having a daughter to pray for his soul.

But if she changes her mind, no one will force her to it."

"I fear Raoul is just amusing himself, though. I can put a stop to it if you wish."

Jehanne thought about it. "No. As I said, it will be as well for Aline to discover her true nature. She may still choose to take vows, but at least she will do so knowing her weaknesses. I assume we can trust your friend not to ruin her."

"I believe so. But I'll make sure of it. He might hurt her feelings, however."

"Break her heart? That is excellent training for life."

Galeran concentrated on draining his wine. What did that mean? Though he stamped on its every appearance, deep inside he still wondered whether Jehanne loved Lowick and would rather her husband were dead.

Chapter 11

As the trestles were broken down, the household relaxed, chatting and flirting. Jehanne watched Galeran strolling among his people, taking time to talk to each and catch up with their news. She had missed Galeran during his absence. Selfishly, she had not thought of how much he must have missed Heywood, or of the many events that had taken place while he was gone.

She'd been sorry he'd missed Gallot's birth and brief life, but she knew he would also have wanted to be here for the hilarious courtship of Hugh and Margaret. He was laughing now as he was told the tale, but he'd have laughed more if he'd lived through those weeks.

And he'd want to hear the story of how Sven lost his hand, and how Ann rescued a child from the river. . . .

With an ache in her throat she turned, and saw the way Aline's eyes kept flickering to Raoul. Oh, dear. She strolled over to her cousin. "Raoul de Jouray is certainly a handsome man," she said casually. "Unfortunately, he knows it."

"It would be hard not to. Just as you know you are beautiful."

"Since you are very like me in looks, you must know your own charms too."

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