The Shattered Rose Page 0,63



"Perhaps you are right." Then he looked at her, and something in his hazel eyes was like the trumpets of battle. "Do you wish to find out?"


Calmly, he turned to the plate of gooseberry tarts and chose another to offer her. "Then we will not play the game."

She took the tart, studying him. "What game?"

"Seduction." Before she could protest, he added, "Of course, we couldn't actually take it to its conclusion, fair lady, for that would ruin your chance of becoming a bride of Christ. And it would quite likely land me in more trouble than I want."

And that was true. Her father and brothers would chop him into tiny pieces if he dishonored her. And by that time he would be glad to die.

Aline studied him as she nibbled on the tart, her heart beating fast. She was well aware that Raoul was acting like a hunter and setting lures and traps.

But it was such exciting sport and ultimately completely safe.

"So it would be just a game . . ."

"Exactly. Like the mock battles men fight when training for war. In fact, like those battles, it could be useful practice for you. I suspect you need training in defense."

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you not like assisting men at their bath, Aline?"

It was the first time he'd used her name without "Lady" in front of it and she knew the game had started. "I am modest. . . ."

"The sight of a man's body cannot be a shock to you."


"Well, then?"

She couldn't manage the tart, so put it down. "I rarely need to perform that duty, so it flusters me."

"I don't think it's the duty that flusters you, Aline."

She glared at him. "Very well. I find men arousing - young, healthy men. I have tried to fight it, but I never seem able to, so I prefer to avoid the occasion of sin."

His smile said he had won in some way. "It is not always wise to avoid our occasions of weakness. As you discovered this morning, it can leave us vulnerable. It's like a man-at-arms who avoids climbing walls because he fears heights. One day he will need to climb a wall in battle, and doubtless die for his folly. Fighting men need to be strong in all ways. They need to train away every weakness, to have their skills constantly well honed."

"I'm sure you are very strong, and your skills well honed."

"Oh, yes. See." Without warning, he took her hand and placed it on his bare forearm, pressing her fingers against iron-hard muscles.

She snatched her hand back. "So," - she wished her voice were not so breathy - "let me understand you. "You are offering to train me in the skills I will need to avoid carnal temptation?"

Carnal temptation. She wanted, quite desperately, to feel his arm beneath her hand again.

"Not precisely." He adjusted the heavy gold bracelet he wore on his wrist.

She was sure it was solely to draw her attention back to his muscles. "I suspect you need a lady to teach you those skills. I am offering to stage some mock assaults to test your defenses so you will know which skills you need to improve."

Mock assaults like that bracelet, that arm . . .

"In fact, Lady Aline, I am beyond offering and am now promising. You had better start reenforcing your walls and stocking up on arrows."

She forced her eyes back up to his teasing face. "Whether I agree or not?"

"Whether you agree or not."

She focused her most severe frown on the wretch. "I should complain to Galeran of your behavior."

"That would put him in a very awkward position, and it is not necessary.

Remember, Aline, you have my word that I will not invade your citadel, even if it lies wide open to me."

Aline gaped at that blatant image, but then snapped, "Very well. But I warn you, sir, my defenses are very strong indeed. And sometimes assailants suffer more than the citadel they attack."

She then turned to watch four of Jehanne's ladies perform a dance, an intricate weaving dance whose sole purpose was to show off their grace and charm to the watching men. Why couldn't Raoul play his games with one of them?

She'd be after them with a knife if he did.

Oh, dear. Her defenses were straw and sticks and she feared he knew it.

As a beleaguered citadel, her first line of defense should be to call upon her liege lord to handle this unruly assailant. But Raoul was correct. Copyright 2016 - 2024