The Shattered Rose Page 0,54

"I have only done my duty. .

. ."

"But you do it well. And I know it was against your inclination. I hope I did not upset you."

"No, of course not . . ."

"I'm glad." He wondered how long he could hold her spellbound. "I must seem large to you. Your father is not a large man."

Her gaze sank down to take in his broad chest - which meant that she had to look forward rather than up. Then she broke free, turning swiftly to begin picking up cloths. "A man is a man. Size doesn't mean much."

"Alas. And I am so proud of my generous attributes.. .."

She swiveled to stare at him. So, the little Aline was not naive.

"It is generally an advantage," he went on smoothly as he dried his legs, "for a fighting man to be big and strong."

He glanced up to see that she was staring at his body as a rabbit stares at the dog that will kill it. It made him suddenly ashamed of his teasing.

"If you would do me a kindness, Lady Aline, I have clothes on the pack horse that are a little cleaner than those I took off. . . ."

"Oh, of course." And she bounded out of the room just like a rabbit unexpectedly released from the hound's jaws.

Raoul dropped his modesty cloth and, hearing noises in the bailey, wandered over to the window as he pondered the encounter. He was a mischievous wretch to tease a lady so, especially one who wished to be a bride of Christ. But, in fact, he had some doubts about that. . . .

It sounded as if someone was arriving, but he couldn't see the bailey from here.

He wondered what the effect would be if he told Aline that his family had many mercantile interests. . . .

She dashed back in. "Forthred's here!"

Then she stared at his naked body.

He was some distance from any scrap of clothing, and he'd be damned if he was going to cover himself with his hand like a nervous boy.

She just stood there, mouth agape, studying him inch by inch as if he were a fascinating manuscript. He felt himself begin to respond.

He walked over, turned her around, and propelled her toward the door.

"Then I need some clothes. Does Galeran know?"

"Father's gone to tell him - them. What are we going to do?"

"If you don't get me some clothes, I'm going to walk out into the hall naked, which should at least cause a distraction."

He pushed her through the door, and with a wild giggle she ran off to find his pack.

* * * * *

Galeran listened to the full story of Jehanne's encounter with Brother Forthred, then he and Jehanne set to considering various ways of handling the crisis. No action was particularly appealing to people who didn't want to mortally offend the Church.

He had not taken the time to remove his armor or clean himself, and when Hubert came to say the monk had arrived, it was too late. So he walked out into the hall knowing he looked unkempt and stank of blood.

All in all, it might be a good thing.

Hubert certainly eyed him with concern. "It would bother me mightily to offend the representative of Christ here, Galeran."

Galeran didn't think Bishop Flambard deserved that elevation, but he knew Hubert was devout. "With God's blessing, that won't be necessary." He went to the big hall doors and saw three tonsured clerics on mules trot into the bailey, followed by five sturdy men-at-arms.

He wished Hubert had been as cautious as Jehanne and made the soldiers stay outside the castle, but Hubert had too much respect for men of God.

Despite the simple robes, Galeran had no doubt that one monk at least was a man of some importance. There was intelligence written on his smooth face, and he bore himself like someone who knows his worth.

Brother Forthred, no doubt.

Hubert went forward. "Greeting, Brother. Welcome to Burstock."

"Blessings upon this place, Lord Hubert," said the monk smoothly as he dismounted. "We have come from Heywood, since the Lady Jehanne was called away, apparently to visit her family here. We have business with her.

Business of the bishop."

Galeran stepped forward. "Then you have business with me, Brother. I am Galeran of Heywood."

It was only an extra blink, but Galeran knew he had surprised the monk, which was useful.

"Greetings, my lord. I am Brother Forthred, dean to the bishop. My companions are Brother Aiden and Brother Nils. On behalf of Bishop Flambard, may Copyright 2016 - 2024