The Shattered Rose Page 0,42

were a number of ways the Church and the king might see advantage in meddling in Galeran's affairs.

Or, rather, in his family's affairs.

Spurred on by this thought, Galeran stopped at Brome on the way home.

Brome and Heywood were the two castles in this area with stone curtain walls. The difference between them was that Heywood commanded a natural rise, whereas Brome sat on a high motte near a river, using the river to form a moat around the walls. The site had been chosen because it overlooked an important ford.

It gave the Lord of Brome power in the norm, but also made him and his family the subject of political interest.

Galeran's father came out of the mews to greet him, hawk on wrist. "You're looking more yourself, lad! What do you think of this beauty, then?" He stroked the hooded bird lovingly.

Galeran slid off his horse with his own hawk on his wrist. "A fine peregrine. Have you flown her yet?"

"Any day. Any day." Lord William led the way to the hall. "So, any problems with the estate?"

"No. It's in good heart. Doubtless you've been keeping an eye on things."

"Here and there, lad, here and there." Lord William placed his bird on a hawk stand and fed it a tidbit before calling for ale. "Wasn't sure I could trust a woman with such matters, and I didn't like having Lowick running things. Never did trust that one. Too slippery-handsome. Was sniffing after both your sisters at one point, you know."

"Yes, I remember." Galeran settled his own hawk on another stand. "But he'd probably be no worse than the next man if he once gained the land he yearns for."

"Then he can go seek it elsewhere."

It was Raoul, taking the ale offered by a servant, who said, "We're wondering if Lowick will go elsewhere."

Galeran flashed him an irritated glance. He hadn't wanted these matters raised, or not yet, at least.

"What choice does he have?"

"He has a child here," said Raoul.

"What can he make of that?"

"Very little. As long as Galeran's alive."

"Raoul," said Galeran. "Enough of this."

Lord William took a deep drink of ale. "What basis would Lowick have for a duel?"

"A duel?" Galeran laughed dryly. "I'd have to be mad enough to challenge him. Raoul is worrying about more sneaky ways."

"No man would. ... I'd gut him," his father snarled, "and strangle him with his own entrails!"

""You'd have to prove it first. When a man's already in the grave, sometimes it's simpler not to rake the coals."

"I'd rake them, never fear!"

"I'm glad to hear it, but I'd still be dead. All I want at the moment is a few men of Brome to add to the garrison at Heywood."

Lord William thumped down in his great chair, still frowning. "Why?"

"Most of the Heywood garrison has been there for years," said Galeran, wandering over to soothe his restless hawk. "Many of the men are Heywood born and bred. Their allegiance should be to me, but it could be to Jehanne and even to Lowick, whom they knew as a lad. He has his charm. If anything happens to me, I want to be sure that he doesn't claim the castle. I want a few men there whose task it would be to bring Jehanne and the babe to you."

"So I can strangle her?"

Galeran just raised a brow and his father shook his head. "I know, I know.

It's a weakness in me, this softness I have toward women. I was a stronger man before I married your mother. Now I can just see the look in Mabelle's eyes if ever I even think of it. . . ." He glared at the two younger men. "Be wary with women. They'll tie you in knots."

"Not Raoul," said Galeran. "He just ties them in pretty love knots and leaves them cooing."

Lord William's glance was scathing. "You'll have no luck with that game here, sir. Our northern women are too sensible for your Frankish games."

Raoul put down his tankard. "If you'll excuse me, I think I'll test your theory." With that, he sauntered over to one of the maids.

"What?" said Lord William, gaping after him. "What in the name of heaven . . . ?"

Galeran laughed as he took a seat opposite his father. "He's just tactfully leaving us to discuss family business, Father. I don't think even Raoul can seduce a sensible northern woman in the time we have here."

Lord William harrumphed, but was willing to return to his main point.

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