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avoided. Especially one that's in the family. So I went south to oppose the petition."

"What happened?"

"It was tangled up in courts and chanceries. After a while I left them to it, for I could see nothing would happen soon. What's more, I'd spoken to one sailor, who swore he'd seen you alive in Constantinople. So I sent off more messages to seek the truth."

"Did Lowick get any support from Rufus?"

Lord William's smile was grim. "There was nothing in the case worth the cost of offending me, though Flambard tried to sway the king. The bishop's had some long-nosed cleric hereabouts asking questions, but since I had that sailor tell his tale, no one wanted to be hasty. I fear the bishop's man will be back now, though, at the least looking to fine somebody for something."

"Money is the least of my problems."

"Hah! With Rufus and Flambard picking over England like crows in a cornfield, money'll soon be a problem nobody has!" William pushed up out of the chair. "Which reminds me. I'd best get back to Brome and take care of my own affairs. Unless you need me here."

Galeran rose. "No, of course not."

"You'll have a care ..."

Galeran met his father's worried look with a bland one. "I don't feel particularly violent, and if that changes, Raoul's bigger than I am. He seems to have appointed himself my watchdog, and he's as tender toward women as you are."

Lord William just harrumphed and went on his way. The army had already broken camp, and it didn't take long for the orderly file of men and wagons to disappear over the hill. Galeran looked out from the walls as if for the first time. Heywood certainly seemed more like home without an army encircling it.

The enemy, of course, was within.

He sent an order to remove the guards he'd placed on Jehanne and to tell her she was free to take up her duties but was not to leave the castle.

Though he hated to do it, he also spoke to Walter of Matlock, making it clear that Jehanne was to be prevented, with any necessary force, from leaving.

Next, he summoned the carpenter and commanded a new bed, ordering a new mattress as well. He hoped it symbolized a fresh start.

Then he ordered out his best palfreys, gathered his hounds, two promising hawks, and four men-at-arms, and set out to show Raoul his estate and a bit of hunting. The trip could take days if he stopped to talk to his larger tenants and the village headmen. Of course, if he traveled to visit the other smaller estates that belonged to Heywood, the trip could last weeks, but that would be taking cowardice too far.

Chapter 7

When Aline heard that Galeran had left, she hurried in search of her cousin, silently berating people who ran away from situations that needed to be faced. She was sure that Raoul de Jouray had something to do with it. He was just the sort of slippery, smiling fellow who would rather go hunting than tackle a thorny problem.

And thorny it certainly was. She'd never forget the clash of joy and raw terror she'd experienced when Galeran had appeared two days before. She was only just beginning to believe that it wouldn't be instant disaster. She wasn't at all sure disaster could be avoided entirely.

Eventually she found Jehanne on the walls, staring after the riders. Aline stopped at a distance, reluctant to intrude on a moment she scarce understood at all.

She knew her cousin well and loved her deeply. Some might think that stony face showed indifference, but Aline knew it was a mask to cover Jehanne's deepest pain. It was unfortunate, though. The mask was too easily misinterpreted.

As it had been when Gallot died.

Aline still felt guilt over that. She'd adored the child, and had been so distraught herself that she'd given little thought to the mother's pain.

Instead, she'd fled to the chapel to seek solace in prayer. Perhaps if she'd stayed to comfort Jehanne, her cousin would not have ended up in Lowick's arms, would not have ended up trapped by Donata.

If that night had been different, then Galeran's safe return could have been a time of wondrous delight. Instead, she remembered with a shudder the time between Galeran's appearance at the gates and the morning after, when he'd entered the castle.

When a guard had burst into the hall with the news of Lord Galeran's approach, Aline had thought Jehanne might finally faint, though even she Copyright 2016 - 2024