The Shattered Rose Page 0,31

as he'd enjoyed her nakedness. "You're going to have to talk to me soon, Jehanne."

She spun to face him, and the stark agony on her face silenced him. "I'm sorry," she whispered, and left. But where another woman would have run, she walked from the room with dignity.

But what are you sorry for? Galeran wondered as he surveyed the shambles. The bed was quite an accurate reflection of his life - messy, rot- riddled, yet fall of the essence of his love, his life, his wife.


He inspected the bed and found worm in other parts. A new one would be needed. He couldn't regret it. Even if Jehanne and Lowick had never used this bed, it was part of something past, not present.

He froze, hands tight on the wood.

Jehanne and Lowick.

It had been a distant thing before. But now, now he could see them, hear them, smell them. Everything Jehanne had done with him today she had done with Lowick. She'd held him, guided him, nuzzled him, kissed him, sucked him, bit him. ...

Galeran realized he was trying to snap the side of the bed with his bare hands. Since it was four-inch oak, it was more likely to snap him first. He made his hands relax and release, then examined the grooves and bruises he had made there.

What terrified him most was that one day he might turn his rage on Jehanne. She had to be made to talk to him, to let him understand and forgive, or one day he might snap her with his bare hands.

Pushing to his feet, he called for water and John to shave him. He couldn't take any more of his wife's ministrations for the moment. He dug out more clothes and was soon ready to face the day.

He wasn't ready for an encounter with Jehanne's cousin Aline, but that was what waited outside the door. Eighteen forceful years old, Aline of Burstock was short and plump, but had Jehanne's coloring. She shared Jehanne's temperament in many ways, but whereas Jehanne was a sword, Aline was a club.

"I'm sure hitting her made you feel better," she stated.

"You're usually more astute." He actually liked Aline, and was suddenly grateful to have her here with her common sense and her habit of speaking her mind. Although that didn't mean he wanted to discuss his affairs with her.

"I suppose you might as well get into practice, since you'll probably have to beat her to clear the air." Her worried frown showed that her words were bait dangled to see whether the fish would bite.

"You should get to know Raoul de Jouray. You two seem to think alike."

Bright color rose in her cheeks. "Alike! That one's a heathen. He'd scarce washed off the dirt of his travels before he found Ella."

"Or Ella found him." Galeran couldn't help but grin. "But then, Raoul could probably find the most amenable woman in any castle inside five breaths."

"Then he should get her to bathe him," said Aline, glowering.

"He expected you to?" Galeran tried not to laugh. He wondered if Raoul had guessed that Aline had strict notions about modesty and had deliberately teased her. "I'm sure he didn't insist on it when you objected."

"No. Jehanne assisted him."

All urge to laugh vanished. It was only proper that Jehanne bathe a well- born guest, and such matters had never bothered him before. Now, however, he wanted to squeeze his friend's throat between his hands.

"I'll bathe him next time he asks," Aline said, her blue eyes sharp as a hawk's.

He hated being so transparent. "There's no need . . ."

"I'm not going to be cause of more trouble with my silly scruples."

"I know such things are important to you, Aline. One of the other women . .


"That wouldn't be right. It would be an insult to a friend of the castle's lord." But then she frowned at him. "If you don't trust him, though, he's no friend."

"And if I don't trust her, she's no wife."

"Friends can be disowned. Wives cannot. Or not as easily."

Galeran leaned an arm against the stone wall and surrendered. "So, cousin, what do you think I should do?"

She looked up at him steadily. "She never stopped loving you, Galeran."

Then the frown settled again. "But if you ever find that Brother Dennis, who brought news of your death, you could maybe cut out his lying tongue!"

"I didn't think you were so bloodthirsty."

"There are times when violence is called for, as with Christ in the Temple."

With that she walked off in Copyright 2016 - 2024