The Shattered Rose Page 0,135


Typically, Raoul grinned up at Henry. "I wish I didn't, sire, but the Lady Jehanne asked me to speak for her here."

"The Lady Jehanne, if you will note it" - and there was a warning edge in the words - "is no longer in any jeopardy. Most of her guilt has been explained away, and if she deserved any punishment, she has received it."

"But she is concerned for Raymond of Lowick, sire."

His words caused the thunderous silence of astonishment, broken only when Galeran hissed in a breath. At this point ... At this point was he to be betrayed?

for land. If your mercy still stands, sire, I will happily fight for Christ."

"So be it," said Henry impatiently, and waved him out of the room.

The king then sat on his throne, taking off his crown and placing it on a table by his side. "That man is just the type of noble fool who wreaks havoc without any bad intent at all. Are you content now, Lord Galeran?"

"Completely, sire, if I have my wife and her child safe, and can return home."

Henry raised a brow. "I detect a little something in your voice, my lord.

Perhaps you are tempted to beat your wife after all for this business. She had no choice but to be whipped."

"Had she not, sire?" The king was right. Relief was beginning to make room for sharp irritation. "The reason Raoul de Jouray became involved is that my wife's cousin escaped from the convent, seeking his help. But my wife sent no message about her punishment, for she knew I would put a stop to it. If I do not want to beat my wife, I do not want her beaten."

Henry snapped his fingers, and a page hurried forward with a goblet of wine. "I heard of it all from Lord FitzRoger. As you doubtless guess, your wife accepted her punishment to prevent you from having to deliver it - which I might well have ordered despite your fierce stare. Order must be preserved. As it is, we can let it be known that she has been suitably chastised. There is no need to explain the circumstances."

Galeran could find nothing civil to say to this.

"Apparently," continued Henry, "she also accepted the punishment because she saw that in ordering it, Flambard was overstepping himself. A clever and resolute lady."

"Yes, sire."

"Whose neck you would dearly like to wring. That is up to you." The king turned abruptly to Lord William. "I have served your family today, my lord. I hope you will serve mine."

Lord William must also suspect that the king had served mainly himself, finally finding a way to confine Flambard with the blessing of the Church, and tie William of Brome to his cause. But he bowed. "You have my oath, my liege."

Henry could doubtless hear the reservations behind it, but it was good enough to bind a man like the Lord of Brome. "Then you and yours will have my favor always. And you do not need to fear Flambard or any Bishop of Durham again. I intend to break the power of that bishopric once and for all."

Henry sipped his wine, glancing at Galeran. Suddenly he laughed, showing his strong white teeth. "Whether to kiss her or throttle her, you are itching to see to your wife, are you not? Go, my lord. This lad will take you to her.

But don't murder her here, please. And serve me well in the north."

Chapter 21

She was here? Galeran had counted on the journey to the convent, or to Hugo's house, to sort out his curdled feelings and prepare to meet Jehanne kindly. He had only to follow the page through three rooms and into a fourth, however, before he was with her.

But she was sleeping.

She sprawled somewhat awkwardly on her side, her back toward him. Her clothing had been slit and spread apart, probably so a greenish salve could be applied. He hoped the cream soothed her, but it did little to bide the swelling of abused flesh, crossed red and black by the rod.

Anger fled, except rage at those who had done this to her. He wished he could lay the rod to Flambard himself.

But then anger at Jehanne snapped back, hilt to blade with fierce pride at her courage. The first beating would not have been so bad, nor even the second. But she had continued to accept them knowing, especially when she sent Aline out, that by a word she could put a Copyright 2016 - 2024