The Shattered Rose Page 0,103

I trust you, but ... Oh, I know you will do what is right."

"Just pray, Jehanne," he said, "and wait patiently until tomorrow."

When he left, the mother superior turned a heavy key in the lock.

"That hardly seems necessary, Mother."

"I am following my orders, Lord Galeran. You cannot deny that your wife has sinned. Such little pains as she is now suffering will help save her soul, perhaps help save you all."

He wanted to protest that, but there hardly seemed much point. If he gave in to his impulses and released Jehanne by force, he'd end up either exiled or in custody himself, which wouldn't help anyone. "I would like to see the Lady Aline and the baby, to be sure that they, too, are well."

With an audible sigh, the mother superior led him across the garden to the other side of the cloister.

"Wouldn't it be more suitable for them to be housed nearby?" Galeran asked.

"These were our only two empty rooms, my lord. Many people have asked for hospitality during the king's visit."

But do you lock all your guests in? Galeran wondered as the nun again unlocked a door. It wasn't worth fighting over. Jehanne was safe, if rather tense. As long as Aline, Winifred, and Donata were also well, he'd let it be until tomorrow.

The mother superior ushered him into another small room very like Jehanne's, but this time crowded with two narrow beds and a cradle. Aline leaped to her feet with fretful energy. "Galeran! Thank heavens."

She would have flung herself into his arms, but the mother superior stepped firmly between them. "Conduct yourself properly, young woman!"

Aline pulled a face, but settled down. "A troop of men brought us here.

They had the king's seal and - "

"Yes, I know," said Galeran. "Don't worry. It will all be settled tomorrow.

How's Donata?"

Aline looked toward the cradle in which the baby slept. "Well. But I don't know why they've split us up. We're to call when she needs feeding, then one of the sisters will take her over to Jehanne."

Galeran looked at the mother superior. "Well?"

"I was told to keep the Lady Jehanne alone so that she could contemplate her sins in peace, my lord. Children are not peaceful. She has stated that she appreciates every aspect of the arrangement. The child will be taken to her whenever necessary."

It was all stupid, but no more so that a hundred other incidents in which government had become embroiled. What worried Galeran was that such matters could get out of hand. He didn't want to worry the women, however, so he smiled at Aline and Winifred. "Probably Jehanne will be the better of some tranquility. She's had little enough of it the last year."

With that he left, and allowed himself to be herded out of the convent with only one backward look at Jehanne's locked door.

* * * * * Aline sat back down on the hard bed, thinking. She wished she'd been able to talk to Galeran in private, for she didn't like this situation at all. She needed to talk to Jehanne as well and make plans. What if some silly judgment were made to give Donata to Lowick? They had to be ready to act! In the short journey from Corser Street to the convent, Jehanne had ordered Aline to keep Donata safe at all costs. But how could such a young baby be safe away from her mother?

No, if the worst happened, they had to be ready to escape together. It shouldn't be impossible. The convent wasn't guarded. All that held them was locked doors.

She went to inspect the door, and discovered locked doors could be quite formidable. This one was thick, iron-strapped oak, and the lock was heavy iron too. It seemed strange that a convent would have such secure rooms, but perhaps they were often called upon to hold prisoners.

Winifred just sat looking quietly miserable, but Aline paced. Perhaps it would be better to wait patiently for the morrow. Any attempt to escape could be seen as rebellion against the king's orders.

She didn't know enough about such things.

She desperately needed to confer with Jehanne.

Donata began to stir, and Winifred picked her up, obviously pleased of something to do. The baby looked around, chewing on her knuckles.

"She'll want feeding in a moment or two," said Winifred. "I'll change her."

Then Aline had an idea. She picked up her embroidery materials and the babe's blanket. With quick stitches she worked along the edge the message, What do you want to Copyright 2016 - 2024