The Shattered Rose Page 0,101

wrongful challenge, God will not be on my side."

Flambard closed his eyes briefly. "You must look to the truth, not just what happened. Truly, you were promised Jehanne as your bride, weren't you?"

"Yes, but . . ."

"Does not that promise invalidate her later betrothal to Galeran?"

"Does it?"

"Yes," Flambard lied.

"Oh. So if their marriage is invalid . . . she is mine!"

"Quite. Now, we will not produce this document unless we need to, but it means we cannot lose. One way or another you will fight him and kill him, yes? For your lady and your child."

Lowick stood tall. "For my lady and my child!"

The volume of his declaration almost made Flambard's head ache, but he smiled. "However, it would be useful to know exactly what William of Brome is up to, and it's no great distance to Waltham. Get you there, sir, and discover what you can. If Lord William is malingering, that's another pennyweight on our side."

Once the knight had left, the bishop drained his goblet of wine, then sent Lucas to check on the house of Hugo the Vintner in Corser Street.

When the man returned, he had very interesting news.

Chapter 16

Galeran and Raoul collected their horses and worked their way back to Hugo's house, which took longer because they were moving against the flow of traffic. They stopped partway along at a tavern to eat and wash down the city dust.

It was a relief to arrive back at Corser Street, until Mary ran out, wringing her hands, her veil and circlet all askew. "Lord Galeran! They have all been carried off!"

"My wife? The babe? By whom? Lowick? Flambard?" He grabbed his horse's reins back from the man who was leading the animal away.

"It was the king's men!" Mary gasped. "They came with full authorization.

There was nothing we could do!"

"The king!" Galeran's mind spun madly. Henry had heard Flambard's story the day before. Did this mean he was on the bishop's side? Was it time to flee?

"Where have they taken her?" he asked, gripping his sword hilt.

"St. Hilda's, convent. It's off Aldersgate Street, not far from here." Mary gave quick instructions and Galeran's fears eased a little. A convent was a suitable place, as long as they didn't want to lock Jehanne up there forever.

He turned to leave the house, and Raoul stopped him. "Shall I come?"

"No. You'd better stay here."

"Take some men, at least. Don't forget the original plan."

Galeran turned back. "What?"

"The last time someone tried to seize Jehanne and the baby, your murder was part of it."

"But this time it's the king's men."

"But the game could be complex. Flambard might still know about this convent - the king may even have told him. He could still plan an ambush."

"In the middle of the city? I doubt it." Galeran's mind was on another track.

"As soon as Henry knew I was at Westminster, he sent men to take Jehanne into custody. I don't like it. He's probably already decided what his judg- ment will be, God rot him."

Raoul gripped his arm. "Cool your tongue before you go in public, Galeran, and look to your own safety. Jehanne is not in any direct harm, but she needs you alive and well to defend her."

"She's in custody." Galeran twisted free. "What happens if Henry and the Church decide she should be punished?"

"You could never have stopped them."

"I'd have found a way. I might still." With that Galeran swept out into the street, judging that a man on foot would make better speed than a horse.

Any escort could follow or not as they pleased.

* * * * * St. Hilda's was a solid establishment covering many acres and surrounded by high wooden walls. An excellent prison, Galeran thought, but not impregnable. He was already considering ways to liberate his wife.

Behind the walls, Galeran could see the tops of some thatched roofs and a stone bell tower, presumably part of the convent's chapel. Nothing about the place was militant or defensive.

Of course, a religious house was protected by God and man, and anyone who invaded it would suffer dearly.

He tugged on the bell rope that hung by the heavy oak door, and a small peep door slid back.

"I am Galeran of Heywood, come to see my wife."

The little door slid closed and the large one immediately opened. Galeran's fears began to subside. The thin portress said, "You must speak to our mother superior, my lord," and led the way across a pleasant cloister garden full of herbs and flowers.

Galeran's heart eased even Copyright 2016 - 2024