Shattered Rose (Winsor Series) - By T L Gray Page 0,104

about being there for her,” Jake replied, his tone matching that of Issy’s dad, but with more volume. “If you weren’t such a colossal failure of a father to begin with, Issy wouldn’t feel the need to drown herself in alcohol. Who do think has been there the last four years picking up the pieces of the broken lives you left behind!”

I realized I was holding my breath. The tension in the room was so electric that at any moment, I felt it could burst into flames. Issy’s dad was looking venomously at Jake who stared defiantly back at him.

Before they could say another word or do worse, I heard Parker clear his throat to alert them to our presence. They both looked over, and showed equal contempt as they saw us in the doorway. I knew Jake’s wasn’t towards me, but it didn’t stop me from shivering anyway.

“You have no business being here, young lady. Issy’s done nothing but go downhill since you moved in that apartment with her,” he stated authoritatively.

My heart stopped as I stood in stunned silence. I felt Parker tense and then position himself in front of me as he addressed her father.

“Sir, I understand that you are upset and frustrated, but there is no reason to talk to her like that. Avery wasn’t even at that party, and if she hadn’t thought to check on her when she got home, we’d be at a funeral right now instead of a hospital. She saved her life.” Parker’s tone was compassionate, but stern and there was no indication that he felt intimidated by Issy’s overbearing father.

The mood in the room changed as Issy’s dad turned away and sat down in the chair nearest to his daughter. It was the first time I saw him as a worried father and not as dictator ordering people around. I felt sorry for him. I turned to Parker, who failed to even mention his part in all of this. He was the real hero, not me.

Jake, on the other hand, was still shaking and walked right past us out of the room, not failing to shoot Parker a stare of pure hatred as he left. I turned to look at him and he held my gaze for just a second before turning away.

I felt torn in half, wanting to run after Jake and comfort him, yet wanting to stay next to Parker’s calm demeanor and trust that everything was going to be ok.

My thoughts were interrupted by the nurse coming back in to inform us that the transfer was complete, and they would be airlifting her to Duke University Medical Center in two hours. Everyone in North Carolina knew that hospital was superior and even nationally recognized, so part of me was glad Issy was going to have the best medical care possible.

Parker guided me towards Issy’s bed despite my hesitation, and I stood opposite her dad as I took her hand. I couldn’t stop the tears as my heart feared it could be the last time I ever saw her alive.

Issy’s dad was massaging his temples and then started talking. This time his tone was resigned and broken. “The doctor said that the CPR she received on site was critical to her having any chance of recovering, and if it had been even ten minutes later, she wouldn’t have survived.”

My heart skipped a beat as the “what if” scenarios started running through my mind.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” he continued. “I just don’t understand how it got this bad.”

I just nodded, unable to say anything else for fear I’d totally lose it. Parker gabbed a piece of paper and wrote down my name and phone number on it. He handed it to Issy’s dad who reluctantly took it.

“We’d like to stay in the loop if you don’t mind keeping us updated on how she is doing. We really do care about her and can do anything you need on this end to help.”

Issy’s dad nodded his head and put the phone number in his wallet. He stood up, looking more vulnerable than I’d ever seen him, shook Parker’s hand and then walked out the door. Parker immediately enfolded me into his arms and I just cried until I felt I had no more tears left. He didn’t say a word—just allowed me to access all of his strength, so I could get through it. He was more than Issy’s hero. He was mine too.

When I had finally calmed Copyright 2016 - 2024