Shattered Grace - By K Anne Raines Page 0,86

hands on her shoulders, she jumped. She was too focused on keeping an eye on the other, more dangerous, man standing in front of her.

“Well, alright,” Darius said with a slight squeeze of his hands. “Tonight was fun. I’ll see you around.”

She didn’t dare turn. The Quentin standing in front of her was someone she hadn’t met yet and she didn’t know what to expect from him. “Okay, see ya.” Grace walked past Quentin, knowing he’d follow. When they were far enough away from the bonfire and partygoers, she whipped around, hands on hips. “What the hell was that?” she half yelled.

“I’m not going to let you lose your virginity to some moronic boy thinking with the wrong head at a party.”

“Oh, come on, Quentin, I was joking. Lighten up. Besides, why wouldn’t you? It’s none of your business who I lose it to.”

“Because you want your first time to be better than this.”

“Then what?” she said, hands out in display. “I’m not stupid, I know the first time is gonna suck. It’s not going to be like it is in the movies.”

At this, she watched him soften a little, sucking in a breath before speaking again. “Maybe not, but you deserve it to be with a man who tries his damnedest to make it as close as possible for you.”

Uh … she was speechless. He was right. But she would never give it up at a party, and especially not to someone who was practically a stranger. What kind of girl did he take her for? Obviously, she shouldn’t joke around like that if he was going to take her so seriously.

“And you won’t find him here,” Quentin continued. “Come on, I’m taking you home…even if I have to carry you over my shoulder.” He smiled at her, daring her to push him. Instead, she chose not to argue, and followed him to his car parked a little ways down the road.

Despite his going all medieval back at Brian’s and completely humiliating her in front of Darius, she found she rather liked how protective he was of her. The beer was getting all kinds of blame tonight. Tomorrow, she’d swear off beer forever.

“Can I drive?” she asked, nudging him a little with her shoulder as they walked in the middle of the street.


“But you still owe me. The agreement was whenever I wanted, and I want to now.” Deciding to try out Lux’s tactic, Grace pushed out her lip.

He shook his head. “You’re drunk, no way!”

“I’m not drunk, I’ve only had three beers.” Grace held up three fingers in case he didn’t understand the quantity.

“That’s three too many.” From the passenger side door, he nodded to the car. “Get in, Mario, you can drive tomorrow.”

On the way home, Quentin stopped at Robintino’s for the pizza he owed her. She stayed in the car and leaned her forehead against the passenger window, watching the R on the pizza sign flash on and off. She wondered when she’d see Darius again. It wasn’t a matter of if anymore. They seemed to be running into each other a lot. A smile spread across her face, knowing tonight might be the first of many. If Quentin didn’t ruin it for me, she thought.

In the short time it took him to grab the pizza and slide back into the car, she was mad he thought so little of her. With the warm pizza in her lap, she watched him from the corner of her eye.

“What?” he asked.

“Do you really think I’m like that?”

“Like what?”

Like what? Oh, that’s right, the other Quentin was in the backyard back there. This Quentin was sweet, fun, and easy to get along with. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were giving her a headache. “Seriously, Quentin? You practically had me jumping Darius’ bones at the party.”

“Oh, that’s his name? I’ll try to remember that.” Quentin quickly glanced at her and then back at the road. “Of course I don’t think you’re like that.”

“Then what was that back there?” she asked. “Whatever that was, wasn’t you. Not the you I know, anyway.” Her mind had a mind of its own and went to his kiss. She hated how that thought accelerated her heart rate, and brushed her pinky across her bottom lip, trying to rub out the memory. It wouldn’t go away, stubbornly remaining rooted right at the very forefront of her brain.

“I’m … it’s … I—” He stuttered over his words so Grace focused on his nervousness, trying to rid Copyright 2016 - 2024