Shattered (Anderson Special Ops #4) - Melody Anne Page 0,71

with you,” he told her, sincerity ringing in his tone.

“I have a present for you,” she said, her voice huskier than before. Maybe they should’ve just met at her place. She was afraid she wasn’t going to be able to eat a single thing. And now that he was there all she wanted to do was get him home and strip off every piece of his clothing. Keeping the view of his perfect body from her was torturous.

“I see that,” he told her as he finally looked away at the perfectly wrapped gift resting on his side of the table. She hadn’t wrapped it. Few people understood the skill required to get perfect corners and a bow to turn out just right. “You know you didn’t need to do that.” Before she could say anything, he grabbed it and looked at her again. “But I won’t turn it down because I love presents.” He looked like a kid at Christmas as he turned the package over in his hands.

His words filled her with delight. He seemed honestly happy about receiving a gift from her. She wondered if she’d done enough. If she’d have known she’d get this reaction she surely would’ve done a lot more.

“It’s not much,” she warned. “I wasn’t sure what to get. I wandered for quite a while. If you don’t like it, I have the receipt so you can go exchange it.” She stopped speaking when he looked at her in confusion.

“There’s no chance I won’t love a gift from you,” he said. “The fact that you used some of your valuable free time to find me something means a lot.”

For some strange reason Amira found tears stinging her eyes at his words. Maybe it was because he knew her free time was so limited. Maybe it was because she’d always had a difficult time buying presents, knowing many people were picky, and she liked getting the best of the best. She hated being judged, and some people always judged as they opened their gifts. Her mother and father did — that’s why she’d stopped buying them gifts a long time ago. She’d rather not get them anything than have them hate what she chose.

“Open it, don’t make me wait,” Amira said, not wanting the stress to shadow their entire evening.

“I won’t,” he told her.

He opened the book, and his grin grew as he read the title, then flipped the book over and read the back. He took his time. He opened the cover and his eyes sparkled as he flashed his gaze to her.

“You got me a signed edition? Wow, Amira, this is the best gift I’ve ever received,” he told her. “I haven’t read this yet, but I’m going to start right away.”

She was in awe at the unbridled joy in his eyes. The way he reacted you’d think she’d just given him a million bucks. He closed the cover, then tucked it away in his coat hanging on his chair. It was a good thing he was a large man with large pockets in his coat.

“I didn’t know it was signed,” she told him. “I don’t think the bookstore did either, or it would’ve been marked. I just really lucked out.”

“Nope. I’m the one who lucked out. Thanks so much for a wonderful, thoughtful gift.” He reached over and took her hand, his large fingers rubbing against the top of her hand, sending shivers through her.

“I’ve missed you, Smoke,” she admitted. “I’ve told you over and over again that we aren’t going to happen, but I realized I don’t know why I’m doing that. I like you, like, I really like you,” she said in a rush of words before she could take them back.

His grin grew and his fingers tightened on her hand. “Good,” he said, and then he chuckled. “I like you too.” He paused. “Like, I really like you.” He used the same inflection in his own voice.

And just like that Amira’s nerves disappeared. Was it truly going to be that simple? Did she only have to tell him she wanted to be with him, and they were together? Her appetite returned as they ordered their food and sipped good wine. Amira found herself laughing more and more in Smoke’s presence. He made her feel so many emotions, and she was a fool to have ever fought this thing between the two of them.

Nearly two hours passed with them getting to know one another. She was happier than she could Copyright 2016 - 2024