Shattered (Anderson Special Ops #4) - Melody Anne Page 0,64

at his previously favorite niece.

“What in the hell do you think you are doing? How in the world did you figure out this place? Who . . .?” Chad was so irritated he couldn’t finish his words. Jasmine was too damn smart and that was going to get her into trouble. If Jasmine got into trouble, Joseph would move heaven and earth to save her, which meant the entire team was in trouble. This girl was probably the single most valuable person on the planet with how much her grandfather adored her.

Chad reached into the trunk and all but ripped Jasmine from her comfortable sitting position. Thankfully for Jasmine, in the few ticks of the second hand on his watch, Chad regained his composure, forcing himself to take a deep breath, and then let out an exhausted sigh. She smartly didn’t say anything while he composed himself.

“Let me ask again now that I’ve calmed down. What exactly are you doing in my trunk?” Chad repeated.

Green, Brackish, Sleep, and Eyes were all leaning back enjoying the show. They knew between Smoke and Chad, there was no need to press the defiant teenager. They all felt a sliver of fear of what could’ve happened, but the situation had already been diffused and they were back to their normal humorous selves.

“Seriously, Jasmine, you need a good spanking,” Smoke said before Jasmine could answer Chad.

Jasmine opened her mouth to speak, but Chad felt his irritation brewing once more. This could’ve gone a whole different way. And what if someone had been following him? What if someone had shot at his car and hit his trunk? The possibilities were endless, and it left him nearly shaking.

“Jazzy, you need to answer right now. What’s going on? Why’d you hide in the trunk of my car? How long have you been in there?” Chad fired off.

Jasmine crossed her arms as she looked at Chad, then Smoke, then the other guys who weren’t nearly as intense. “I knew I’d have some explaining to do when I popped out of the trunk. I knew you’d all be a bit irritated with me.”

“A bit?” Smoke snapped. He was so irritated his foot was tapping on the ground. That wasn’t a good sign.

“I’m not sorry,” Jasmine said as she met their eyes. “I’m tired of being treated like a little girl, and I wanted to show each of you that I can be an asset to the team. I wanted to prove I can sneak in and out of places, and I can do it without fear. I knew I could impress you. Now, admittedly, you’re an intimidating sight, but I’m growing up fast, and this is the life I want. If I have to barge my way into it, I’ll do just that,” she said.

“You think this is impressive?” Smoke asked. It seemed a bit of his anger had dampened . . . a very little bit, but it was obvious to the entire team how much he loved Jasmine. She was the little sister he’d never had, and with his help there was no doubt she’d go places.

“Yes, it’s impressive,” she said. “Since Gram’s attack at the Center I’ve asked in many ways and many times over to help. I’ve pleaded with Gramps, with my dad, and with Chad. I’m still being treated like I’m five. Everyone acts as if I’m not able to do anything. I love Grams as much or even more than anyone, and more than any of you guys for sure, but you’re here doing your secret missions, and I’m left in the dark. I’m tired of sitting on the sidelines and being told to stay there,” Jasmine ranted.

“Chad, do you mind if I take this?” Smoke asked.

“Be my guest,” Chad replied with a huff, mindlessly tossing his hands in the air. He didn’t know what to say to his niece.

“Come with me,” Smoke commanded. She nodded.

The two walked away from the car, no words spoken between them for several moments. Jasmine stayed a half step behind Smoke, knowing she was about to receive a tongue lashing. She didn’t care, it was all worth it. Her internal fire was raging more and more as they moved from the group.

“Okay, Jazzy,” Smoke said as he stopped and turned to face her.

They were only a couple of feet from each other, which made his size more imposing. Not wearing a shirt and sweating, seemed to add additional notches to the fearsome factor. His well-defined muscles left no Copyright 2016 - 2024