Shattered (Anderson Special Ops #4) - Melody Anne Page 0,59

came in and huffed and puffed, but you know she’s all bark,” he said with an exaggerated wink. He knew he was safe in saying that as his wife was nowhere nearby. He’d never risk those words otherwise. The women laughed, even though he knew they knew he was a puppet with his wife holding the strings. He loved her more than life itself.

“During those pushups I had a revelation. As you’re all aware, ex-Senator Anna Miller was arrested and just went through her bail hearing. She was denied bail and her trial is set in approximately eight weeks.”

“I know about the case, but honestly not that much,” Erin said, the first to speak.

“I’ve been following it,” Courtney piped in, excitement in her eyes.

“You’re reporting on it, aren’t you?” Joseph asked as he zeroed in on the reporter who’d interviewed Eyes and Sleep years ago. There were definite sparks flying between Eyes and her now. He couldn’t wait to see how it all played out.

“Yes,” she said. “I’m anxious for it to begin. This is very high profile. Too many politicians get away with murder. It’s about time one of them gets busted.”

“I couldn’t agree more. I’m sure the four of you are wondering why I’ve called you in and how you all fit into this.” He couldn’t wait to share his plan.

The four women nodded as they sat up a bit straighter.

“All of you know one another, though some of the relationships are newer than others. But I see something in the four of you that impresses me. You’re a powerful group that can change the world if you put your minds together. We have a journalist, a lawyer, a marketing genius, and a brilliant FBI agent,” Joseph said with a smile.

“These career paths don’t normally team up together,” Mallory told Joseph.

“You’d be surprised,” he told her. Not one of them had said his name yet, he noted. He wondered if anyone would by the end of their meeting.

“I’m willing to try something new,” Erin said. “I’ve discovered I hid for too long after losing my grandparents and I’m ready for an adventurous life now.”

“I love it,” Joseph said as he slapped his hand down on his desk, making the women jump before they chuckled.

“The power of the press is truly magical. Now, if you add that power with an intoxicating story of good versus evil, you can’t go wrong. It will hit close to home to a lot of people and be unstoppable. Once you put innocent young faces to the good versus evil, we have news that reaches the world. That evil in this story is Senator Anna Miller. The good in the story will be a mixture of the following,” Joseph said. He put his hand in the air and started raising his fingers in succession.

“The first good: young souls of Seattle crippled by drugs brought in by none other than Senator Anna Miller. The second good: Damien Whitfield’s daughter seeing her father completely battered and bruised from the beating brought on by Anna and her hired goons. The third, and the final piece: Damien himself, and how he was almost sent to prison for the rest of his life by being nothing more than a fall guy for a psychotic maniac,” Joseph shared.

Courtney, the journalist, sat back deep in her seat and looked at Joseph in awe. It was clear she agreed with everything he’d just said, and how he’d outlined the plan. He knew that, but he didn’t mind a pat on the back once in a while.

“What is it that you need us to do?” Mallory asked.

“Great question, Mallory. I’ve been mulling this over since yesterday and while I like to think I know everything, I’ll admit I need input from you four,” Joseph said.

“I’m in,” Courtney said.

“That’s what I like to hear,” Joseph said. His fingers were itching for that cigar.

“I think I can help, but I’m a bit leery as this isn’t something I’ve ever tackled before,” Avery said. She was a hell of an attorney, but this was high crime. It would be a new adventure for her that would help stretch her wings. He loved helping good people fly.

“Thank you. I know it’s going to take all of your individual talents while you work together to make this a success,” Joseph said.

“Thank you for giving us a shot at something new,” Erin told him. He was pleased that not one of them was trying to get out of this.

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