Shattered (Anderson Special Ops #4) - Melody Anne Page 0,57

beautiful, kind, and unique woman. My son’s very fortunate to have met you, and to have been able to see the treasure before him.”

Amira nodded her appreciation, obviously too emotional to get words out. With that, Laysha left the beautiful office feeling as if a weight had been removed from her shoulders. She smiled on her way back to Ty’s place. She had a feeling those two were going to make it to the finish line.

Her smile brightened even more as she walked through his front door. She might just get those grandbabies after all. With how wonderful both Ty and Amira were, they’d be the world’s best grandkids for sure. She always had enjoyed being a winner, and she’d take the gold medal in grandkids any day, that was for dang sure.

Chapter Eleven

The courtroom in downtown Seattle was packed as Senator Anna Miller, who was a serious contender, or who’d been a serious contender, for President of the United States, walked inside its doors . . . in handcuffs. She sneered at the crowd before her attorney whispered something in her ear, and then she looked down. She reached the defendant’s table with a blank expression as her handcuffs were removed and she sat.

Not a sound could be heard as people waited for the session to begin. Everyone was on pins and needles to see what was going to come up next in this very public and very scandalous drug case that involved someone so famous.

The door opened and a court official stepped forward. “All rise for the Honorable Judge Lichterbum. Court is now in session.” The proceedings began. It didn’t take long for things to get heated.

“Your honor, the State requests no bail be set at this time for Ms. Miller. We have an individual who was in one of the most powerful positions in the world, responsible for the abduction, severe physical abuse, and absolute terrorization of an individual. Additionally, there’s more evidence indicating she was also framing this person for money laundering, drug dealing, and what looks like an attempt to assassinate her after she became President of the United States. With the severity of these crimes, we don’t believe she should be able to freely walk the streets prior to her trial. We also believe she’s a flight risk to numerous different countries who have no extradition laws with the United States,” the freshly appointed District Attorney requested.

Senator Miller’s legal team was shocked and incensed when the high-powered legal team of Watson, Watson, and Avery walked into the courtroom. It came to light a select few power players from the state of Washington and King county — the county the crime had happened in — had a closed-door meeting with Joseph Anderson in the hospital the morning after he’d been shot.

The outcome of that meeting was there’d be a second District Attorney position created for King County. That position would be filled with a very specific individual and that individual would be given as much breadth to bring on whoever they wanted as secondary attorneys for the case against Anna Miller. The newly appointed District Attorney assigned to that position was none other than Joseph Anderson’s long-time personal lawyer, Mr. Franklin Rummelo.

Of course, it raised all sort of speculations of money buying power positions, and there was a good deal of media attention when the news was first leaked, but everything was above board when it came to the legalities of the process. Questions were raised about what the state and county received for agreeing to this, but no answer was publicly given. Interestingly, the state had received a lump of money that covered all of the expenses associated with paying a District Attorney’s salary and normal benefits for an entire year.

“Your Honor, we do not agree with the State’s assessment of our client. She’s a known face and has been a public servant for the past six years. She isn’t a flight risk, and we’re willing to turn over her passport at this time. It would be impossible for her to go anywhere in the world without being seen,” Ms. Miller’s lawyer countered.

“I do believe Ms. Miller would be recognized anywhere she’d travel, but I can’t rule in favor of bail today. Motion to deny bail is approved. Unless there are any objections, the trial date is set for eight weeks from today at nine o’clock AM,” the judge said as he looked at both tables for objections. When none came, the gavel rose, Copyright 2016 - 2024