Shattered (Anderson Special Ops #4) - Melody Anne Page 0,47

listened to his footsteps walking away. Had he really just wrecked her from the inside out and then walked away?

Yes, yes, that’s exactly what he’d just done. What was she going to do about it? She had no clue at all.

Chapter Nine

It had been a few months since Katherine Anderson had been to the Veteran’s Center, and only the sixth time since she’d been attacked. Many of the people who worked or lived at the center since the attack walked on proverbial eggshells whenever Katherine came to visit. They were worried about what to say or how to act around the woman who was always such a bright part of their day when she visited.

She felt the strain on everyone while she walked around the compound, or inside any of the buildings. She wanted to change that, but life hadn’t been kind to her there, so she did have some fear. She hated that anyone was making her feel that way.

Katherine was determined to deal with any issues she’d face in her life; she not only met the problem head on, but she announced the issue loud and clear and let it be known that it wouldn’t control her. Today, she was determined to get this weird energy out in the open and try to be done with it.

“Good day, Mrs. Anderson,” the guard at the front gate said as she rolled down the back window to greet the man.

“Good day, Daniel,” Katherine replied. She continued, “Please send out an announcement that I’d like all individuals to meet me in Patton Hall in exactly one hour. Everyone’s expected to be in attendance except for those currently in therapy sessions.”

Katherine knew unplanned mass meetings were irritating and would break up schedules, and this was the first time she’d ever asked for it to happen, but she was resolved to get this taken care of.

“Yes ma’am,” the guard replied.

“Oh, and Daniel, I expect you to be there too,” Katherine said with a sweet smile before she nodded to her driver to move forward.

Jeffrey, her long-time driver, pulled the car past the guard station and the lowered gate, making his way to the same spot he’d parked every time he delivered Katherine to the Veteran’s Center.

Once the car was secured in its parking spot, Jeffrey stepped out, made his way to Katherine’s door, opened it, and waited for her to exit.

“Thank you, Jeffrey,” Katherine said.

“You’re welcome, ma’am,” Jeffrey replied.

“Jeffrey, how many years have we been battling about this name? I insist you call me Katherine . . . or else,” she said as she held up a fist and shook it. Her smile took away any harshness in her statement.

“I haven’t kept track, ma’am. If you wait one more day, I might just learn my lesson. That way you won’t have to sock me,” Jeffrey said with both hands in the air as he smiled back at her.

“Okay. One more day, and then, POW, to the moon you go if you say ma’am again,” Katherine said as she started walking toward her favorite place on the grounds.

“Yes, ma’am,” Jeffrey called as he shut the door behind her. He’d wait for her to reach approximately fifty yards, and then he’d take the same line she did, following her. It was their compromise. She knew he did it, and she allowed it because he wasn’t comfortable any other way. She wanted to pretend he wasn’t following her because she valued her independence.

After the attack, though, he’d flat out refused to let her be too far from his sight while he drove her places. During her walks he never interrupted her, never made eye contact, and never created a reason to have any interaction. All of their staff was like family to them, so Katherine let it be.

“Good afternoon,” Katherine said to two younger women sitting at a bench overlooking the large pond that was a favorite place.

“Hello, Mrs. Anderson,” one of the women replied.

“Hi,” the other said with a shy smile and quick wave.

It was a magnificently warm afternoon in the Seattle area. Summer was at its zenith and at this time of year the Pacific Northwest was one of the most beautiful places on earth. At least that was Katherine’s opinion as she slowly strolled along the path that bordered the pond. Everything was in full bloom, there were birds fluttering about, and the slightest breeze wafted the sweet fragrance from nearby plants — she couldn’t be happier.

Just before Katherine arrived at her favorite Copyright 2016 - 2024