Shattered (Anderson Special Ops #4) - Melody Anne Page 0,33

their breakfast, then changed to leave. He needed to get outdoors. They were doing a really fun activity that day and his mother was going to love it. They were on the road in no time at all, and soon they arrived at the Madrona Elementary School where they were meeting with a dozen kids.

The second Smoke exited his vehicle, coming around to open his mother’s door, he knew his day was going to get a heck of a lot more eventful than he’d thought it would be. This was supposed to be a day of fun.

As he walked to where a group of people waited, he was looking straight at Amira who hadn’t noticed him yet. She was wearing a beaming smile as she knelt down, talking to a young girl named Amanda. From the moment Smoke had begun volunteering there, he’d known little Amanda was an incredibly shy kid.

When Amira finally looked up, her eyes collided with Smoke’s, and Amira nearly tipped over, wobbling as she rose to her feet. He didn’t look away from her as he tried to figure out what in the world was going on.

“Tyrell, you’re late,” Bob, the leader of this event, said with a laugh. “I was starting to worry.”

“You know I wouldn’t miss this day for anything,” Smoke said as he shook Bob’s hand. “This beautiful lady next to me is my mother, Laysha, who’s visiting from D.C. She wants to help out today,” he told him.

“That’s just wonderful,” Bob said as he shook Laysha’s hand. “You raised a mighty fine boy, ma’am. He’s been amazing with the kids.”

“I sure did,” Laysha said. “I’m very proud of all he does.”

“We have a new volunteer with us today, as well,” Bob said as he waived Amira over. “We’re excited to have her, as she’s an incredibly gifted doctor who loves doing adventures. Tyrell, meet Amira. You two will be partnered with this group over here as you show Amira the ropes.”

“Amira and I already know each other,” Smoke smoothly said as Amira looked at him a bit warily. “I didn’t know you volunteered with this program.” His tone was smooth and easy as if he was the most carefree man in the world. Normally, he’d love that she’d shown up. He wanted to spend so much more time with the woman he couldn’t stop thinking about. With his mother there, and her intuition beyond clairvoyant, he was afraid she was going to be hearing wedding bells within the hour.

“That’s wonderful,” Bob said. “I forget how small the world is sometimes. If you two know each other this will be even easier.”

“Hello, I’m Laysha, Tyrell’s mother. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” his mom said, stepping up and taking Amira’s hand.

“The pleasure’s all mine,” Amira said as she shook the woman’s hand.

“You look confused,” Laysha said as she smiled warmly at Amira.

The words made Amira chuckle. “I don’t want to say what I was thinking,” Amira admitted.

“Oh, darling, you can say anything to me,” Laysha assured her. Amira laughed again, then shrugged.

“I’m just surprised to meet you,” Amira said. “I didn’t picture Tyrell with such a wonderful mother. I guess I didn’t picture him with a mother at all. I realize how stupid that sounds as I say the words, but he’s just so . . . so . . . well . . .” She trailed off before she could add more. A small part of Smoke wanted to help bail her out as she was beginning to drown, but the other part of him was truly enjoying the moment.

Laysha laughed. “He’s so arrogant, so full of himself, and also thinks he’s the most charming man on earth?” Laysha asked after a second.

Amira laughed and nodded.

“Yes, yes, he is all of that. And he’s also an amazing son, an incredible human being, and a man worthy of knowing. If you get past the initial stuff, you see the gooey center he’s truly made of. I might be biased, but I’m always truthful,” Laysha finished.

“Hmm, then maybe you can tell me some stories,” Amira said.

Smoke wasn’t exactly liking this turn of events. It had gone so smoothly for a moment. He really didn’t want his mother and Amira having all day together to do nothing but talk about him. He didn’t see how that would end up in his favor — not at all.

Before he could say anything more, Bob spoke up again. “Okay, kids, we need to get going. We’re heading over Copyright 2016 - 2024