Shattered (Anderson Special Ops #4) - Melody Anne Page 0,25

fast this was going, but unable to stop it from reaching the ultimate finish.

“Yes,” she screamed as she clutched him hard, her body shaking as another orgasm overtook her.

He slammed his mouth against hers as he pumped inside a few more times, then cried out with his own release. He shook as he clung on tightly. He didn’t want to let her go — not ever.

After several intense moments Smoke slumped against Amira, his body spent, and very satisfied. She was still wrapped tightly around him. It was several more moments before he was able to shift, to take some of his weight from her. He turned to his side, unwilling to release her from his arms.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, pleasure and wonder in her expression. He wasn’t sure what exactly he was seeing, but it looked pretty positive to him. He waited, letting her be the first to speak.

“Mmm,” she murmured as she lifted a finger and ran it over his jaw, his bottom lip, and then down his neck. “That was . . . I don’t know what that was.”

“It was amazing,” he said, pulling her a tad closer. He already felt a drive to do it again. He had a feeling he’d feel that drive for a very long time with this woman.

“Smoke?” she finally whispered, her face buried against his chest.

He had to force himself not to tense as he waited to hear what she was going to say. He prayed it wasn’t anything about regrets, not after how amazing that had been.

“Yes?” He rubbed her back, hopefully softening her up.

“Can . . . um . . . can we do that again?”

He was so stunned at her words he didn’t move for several heartbeats. When it registered what she was seeking, he had her on her back in a flash, his body already hard again.

“Oh, Amira, we’ll do it again and again,” he assured her. He then stopped talking as they started in on round two.

Neither of them got much sleep that night.

When Smoke woke in the morning, Amira was gone. She didn’t answer her phone, but he did find a note by the coffee pot. His eyes narrowed as he read it. No way. No how. She’d find Smoke wasn’t a man to be easily blown off — not when he wanted something this badly.

Thank you for the extraordinary night. I have zero regrets.

It won’t happen again, but it will stick with me forever.

Take care of yourself, Smoke, and thank you again.

I didn’t know sex could be that amazing.


Chapter Five

“Hey, Boo,” Laysha cried out with a big smile, her arms wide and more than ready for a long-overdue hug from her massive son. Smoke smiled back. He might be one of the toughest men on earth, but time with his mother was precious, and it always made him feel like a kid again.

“I’ve missed you, Mom,” Smoke said as she wrapped her arms around him. He had to be careful not to squeeze too hard, or he was likely to break the poor woman’s back.

“I know!” she said as she leaned back then cupped his cheeks in her hands and gave him that look only his mother could give as she assessed if he was truly okay or putting on a brave front. “I won’t let so much time go by next time,” she assured him.

“Me neither. It’s crazy how life just keeps on moving forward. I lose all sense of time when I’m busy with work,” he told her.

“Life’s about so much more than work,” she said. He had to force back the chuckle wanting to immerge, considering she’d worked hard her entire life. But he knew she was right. There was a lot of life to live, and it couldn’t be spent working twenty-four/seven.

Smoke took the handle of his mother’s carry-on bag and as they walked to baggage claim, finding the horde of passengers from her flight crammed up against the wall of the belt that spit out bags from an unknown belly.

“Two options for this evening,” Smoke stated. “My buddies have a barbeque going on right now. It’s family-friendly, and there will be a couple of, how do I say, old people, attending.” The corners of his mouth crept upward as he tightened his stomach, waiting for the back of her hand to smack him.

“I’m still young enough to spank your ass right here in front of everyone,” Laysha quickly replied, her lips creeping upward. There was Copyright 2016 - 2024