Shattered (Anderson Special Ops #4) - Melody Anne Page 0,21

shook her head as the girl laughed again, throwing her head back to expose her slender neck and ample cleavage. Amira’s first thought was to grab the woman by her fake hair and slam her face against the bar. Her fingers trembled with the need to do just that. Her next rational thought was to turn and walk away. If Smoke was the kind of man who’d flirt with another woman while on a date, he certainly wasn’t a man she wanted to know.

Thankfully, the reasonable part of Amira’s brain kicked in before she decided on either choice A or B. Instead, she watched the couple for another moment without either of them knowing she was there.

It was odd for Amira to comprehend what she was feeling as she watched the tense expression on Smoke’s face. He wasn’t happy this woman was invading his space. He was trying to be respectful while at the same time trying to get her off of him. Amira watched as he took the woman’s hand off his chest and he grabbed his drink, closing himself off by turning the slightest bit. He shook his head at the woman who lost some of the brightness of her smile. Was he telling her to go away? Was it just that the woman wasn’t accepting his rejection?

Amira felt joy that he didn’t want the floozy of a woman. She hated that she was shaming another woman, but her animal instinct cried out that Smoke was hers — at least on this night. She refused to think she might want another date, let alone try to make any sort of claim on him. For tonight though, the man was hers, and she decided she’d help him out . . . and have a little bit of fun.

Amira fluffed her hair, then smiled as she stepped forward with confidence. She might not have complete confidence in her femme fatale abilities, but she had confidence in who she was. She was a smart woman who got what she wanted in life — and right then she wanted to reclaim her date.

“Excuse me,” Amira said as she easily slid past the woman and wrapped her arm around Smoke, leaning down and giving him a kiss. “Did my drink come yet? Sorry, I took so long. I was hot and stepped outdoors for a second.”

Smoke looked absolutely shocked for about two seconds at this new flirty woman suddenly clinging to him. Amira understood the confusion since she’d tried to avoid his touch all night. Well, that was before another woman had plastered herself all over him.

Smoke’s confusion quickly turned to understanding as he realized she was saving his butt from the aggressive woman who was most likely glaring daggers at Amira’s back at that moment.

“Yes, it’s here,” he said as he reached out and nearly knocked over the Lemon Drop she’d asked for. She picked up the glass and had a sudden inspiration. Raising the glass to her mouth, she paused, looked straight into his quickly widening eyes, and she seductively licked sugar from the rim of the ice-cold glass. Both of them forgot all about the other woman as Amira felt her gut clutch at the raw need in Smoke’s eyes.

“Amira . . .” he growled in a low voice that sent heat straight to her core.

“Who are you?”

Amira was grateful for the shrill voice of the blonde pulling her from her sexual trance. Amira turned and found the blonde with her arms crossed beneath her breasts, pushing them up so far they were nearly spilling from the tight dress she wore. The woman looked furious. Amira scooted a tad closer to Smoke as his hand gripped her hip, nearly pulling her into his lap.

“Who are you?” Amira asked right back to the woman.

“I’m with this man,” she snapped.

“Um, a bit difficult when he’s already with me,” Amira told her.

“If he’s so great, you shouldn’t have been gone so long. He’s moved on,” the woman told Amira. She felt Smoke tense beside her, and she gave him a brief look, telling him she had this. He relaxed. It was obvious he didn’t like confronting women, but there was no doubt in her mind he wouldn’t allow another woman to disrespect the woman he was with. She liked that.

Amira took her time, looking the woman up and down before meeting her eyes again. “I’m not at all worried about him moving on,” Amira said with a smirk. She had no idea where Copyright 2016 - 2024