Shattered (Anderson Special Ops #4) - Melody Anne Page 0,109

paper sitting on the pillow of his bed, but when she did, she moved over and looked at it. There was a layer of dust on the note, but there was her name, just as clear as day. She lifted it, finding her fingers trembling. It was Gramps’s writing. She opened the note. She read it once, then again, and then a third time. She smiled through her tears.

Hi Buttercup. If you get this note, it’s because I’ve departed the earth. This is your home now. I’ve been writing this same note ever since I turned sixty, just in case. The words change a little each time I write it at the end of one of our trips, because you change. I’m so proud of you. That’s something that never changes. You’re kind, talented, smart, and beautiful. You’re the light of my life. I didn’t know a person could be filled with so much joy until the first time I held you in my arms. If I leave this earth too soon, don’t you dare cry for me. I’ll haunt you if you do, and not in a good, soothing way. Nope. You know your grandfather has a wicked streak. I’ll knock things out of place, hide keys, and sit around all day distracting you. I want you to soar, Buttercup. I want you to live your dreams. I want you to have this house, and I want you to come here and keep my memory alive. Our time on this island is always the happiest in my life — just you and I and a lot of fish and sunshine. I love you to the moon and back. Don’t you ever forget that. Don’t you ever forget how special you are. Live your dreams and keep me in your heart. That way I’m never truly gone. Until the next time we meet, I love you.


Amira smiled at his last words. They’d refused to say goodbye from the time she was little. Their parting words had always been until the next time. She didn’t like goodbyes because she always wanted there to be another time. She still did. He was right though. They would meet again. She just had to have some patience.

The sun was beginning to lower in the sky by the time Amira was ready to walk from the room. She tucked the note away in the nightstand, then stood and walked from the house. She was surprised when she stepped onto the patio.

It wasn’t often Amira found her breath taken from her. This was one of those times.

Smoke, looking so unbelievably handsome she couldn’t tear her eyes from him, was kneeling in the middle of the patio on a circular red carpet. Right next to him was a table with a huge bouquet of roses on it, along with a candle and chocolates. In his hand . . . oh, in his hand . . . was a . . . it . . . yes, it appeared to be a ring box.

Her legs wobbled as she moved toward him. The flowers and chocolates hadn’t been there when they’d arrived. He must’ve had someone drop them off in the garage and he must’ve rushed to set it all up while she was inside the house.

“Amira Ito,” Smoke said as she moved in front of him. She was wondering if her legs were going to be able to continue holding her up. He seemed a little choked up too. He cleared his throat and started again.

“Amira Ito, you came into my life and changed it forever. I’m so grateful you did. I thought I’d be a bachelor forever. I thought committing to another person would lessen me as a man and take something from me. I was so very wrong. I just hadn’t met the right woman to change my mind until I met you. I spoke to both your father and your mother and told them how much I love you and that I’d very much like to be your husband. I have their blessing. Your mother also told me this was your happy place. When I found that out, I knew this was where I wanted to ask you to be my wife — right here, right with Gramps watching over us, and hopefully giving his blessing. I figure if the fire doesn’t blow up in my face, then he approves,” Smoke said, laughing with tears in his eyes.

Amira opened her mouth to speak and found Copyright 2016 - 2024