Shattered (Anderson Special Ops #4) - Melody Anne Page 0,103

son had and enveloped Smoke in a hug. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she pulled back. “You’ll forever be my hero,” she told him.

Smoke had to turn away as he sniffled and reined in his emotion. The man then stepped up next to Joseph while Anthony insisted Smoke pick him up and hold him. Carol stood on one side of Smoke while Amira stood on his other, her hand resting on the underside of his arm.

“Hello, everyone. We truly appreciate you allowing us to crash your party. My name is Edward Charles Kennedy Stewart. I’m the mayor of Vancouver. Our city would like to publicly present this award to Tyrell Rice for his quick thinking, immediate action, and selfless bravery in rescuing one of our citizens.” Smoke was in shock as his mother walked from the back of the stage, holding a plaque in her hands, a proud smile on her lips.

The mayor then told the crowd what had happened when Smoke had rescued Anthony. Smoke looked down at Anthony as the boy reached up again and patted his cheek. “You saved my life. It was so cold, and then dark, and then you were there,” Anthony told Smoke.

“I’d do it all over again,” Smoke assured the boy.

Anthony leaned into Smoke and rested his head against his chest. When the mayor finished speaking, Smoke’s mother walked over to him and took Anthony from Smoke’s arms. Once the boy was standing next to his own mother, Laysha gave her son a hug as she handed the plaque to him. He read it, feeling those damn sloppy emotions creeping up on him again.

Heroes aren’t created, they’re born. Heroes rush in when the rest of the world rushes out. Heroes are those who love others more than themselves. Heroes are those people who we’ll remember long past their last days on earth. You, Tyrell Rice, aka Smoke, are a hero for all of Canada. You’ve made this world a better place by being in it. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

There were engraved signatures on the plaque from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; the mayor of Vancouver, Edward Stewart; Carol Smith; and the one he loved the most, Anthony, whose sloppy autograph outshone the rest.

It took several seconds, and finally Smoke looked up. He squeezed Amira’s hand before he moved to the mic. He first shook Edward’s hand and then Joseph’s. Then he faced the crowd.

“I don’t know what to say,” he began. Several chuckles erupted in the room. He waited a moment. “I did what anyone should do, but I’m very grateful for the love and support I’ve gotten today from everyone involved. Thank you so much.” He paused again as he looked out at the finely dressed people.

“I grew up in Washington D.C. in an area like what we’re raising money for here today. It was because of my mother that I became the man I am today. She’s the real hero here. There are so many children out there who don’t have the same opportunities I had. If anyone is touched by any of this, please open your wallets and give. I promise this money isn’t going to admin fees or a group that takes ninety percent. Every dime of the money given goes into these communities. If you truly feel I’m a hero, please help make more heroes, because I think those who have nothing to lose are the ones who will give the most.”

With that Smoke stepped away from the mic and descended the stage with Amira, Carol, and little Anthony. Soon, Carol and Anthony were swept away by reporters who wanted to interview them, and Smoke assured Anthony he’d talk with him again before the night was over. Smoke had a feeling that child would be in his life for the long haul. They’d bonded.

“You are a hero, you know,” Amira told him for what felt like the hundredth time. He stopped and pulled her close.

“I’ll be your hero every day if you allow me to be,” he said, meaning the words.

“I might take you up on that,” she warned. There didn’t seem to be any more fear in her eyes over committing to him. Smoke knew they’d cleared that hurdle and though it wouldn’t always be smooth sailing, he’d stand at her side through it all.

“Amira, your father and I didn’t know you were seeing such a fine pillar of a man.”

Amira stiffened for just a moment before she relaxed and turned to find Copyright 2016 - 2024