Shame the Devil (Portland Devils #3) - Rosalind James Page 0,43

me and then forgot to flirt and was just funny and cute and so damn smart, and I wanted to pick her up more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life?”

“A little frustrating?” Harlan asked.

Owen crossed his ankles on the bed and blew out a breath. “You could say that. Also, I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t know whether you’d done it yet. Tell me you did it.”

“Not yet. I’ll do it in the morning. Hey,” he protested at Owen’s sardonic look, “she was tired.”

“Or you’re scared she won’t go if you tell her the truth.”

“It’s nice, all right?” Harlan said. “Being with somebody who actually likes you for your … personality, or whatever.”

Owen grinned and took a swig of the beer he’d brought in with him. “You sure about that? She looked like she wanted to kill somebody earlier today.”

“She’s not a fan of skiing,” Harlan said. “Also, I could’ve pushed her a little hard on that. She’s tougher than she thinks, though. Wanted to cry, but didn’t. Got back up again instead and kept going. I admire that. So you didn’t kiss little Dynamite? I kind of promised you wouldn’t, so you know.”

Owen said, “Well, sort of.”

Harlan looked at him sideways. “Sort of what?”

“She put her hand on my thigh,” Owen said. “Sitting at the table. While she was making this really serious point about the future of astronautics. I asked her about getting those piercings, and she told me she had a few more, and then she looked at me all sideways and didn’t tell me where. Am I supposed to be made of stone, or what? Because I’m not. I walked her back to her room, and she …” He sighed and took another swallow of beer. “She pulled my head down and kissed me. And I kissed back. Sorry. It was an impulse.”

“I bet it was.”

“But I left,” Owen said.

“Didn’t put your hand on her ass or anything?” Harlan said.

“Maybe a little bit,” Owen said. “Hey. She’s tiny. I had to hold her somewhere.”

Harlan was the one sighing now. “One more day. Just don’t, OK? I like Jennifer. She worries. She tries to act cool about it, but she’s terrified something bad’s going to happen to Dyma.”

“Maybe she should be terrified something’s going to happen to me,” Owen said. “Because I about died there. That girl’s a killer.” He swung his feet off the bed and stood up. “And if you want Jennifer to keep liking you for your personality? You’d better think how you’re going to explain lying to her for two days. What does she think you do?”

“I may have mentioned farm equipment.”

Owen heaved another gusty sigh. “Yeah. That’s not going to cut it.”

Dyma sat on the edge of the bed the next morning and yawned. “Explain this to me again? This makes no sense. Also, are we going home tonight, or tomorrow? I’m confused.”

Jennifer kept on with her packing. “We’re going with the flow. You’re just grumpy because I woke you up early.”

“Well, yeah,” Dyma said. “At five-thirty in the morning. I was up late, but don’t worry, Owen got me home by curfew, Your Honor. I thought the snow coaches left at nine.”

“You can rent one, it turns out,” Jennifer said. “And since there are four of us, I guess that was reasonable.” Though it wasn’t, not really. Kris hadn’t let her make any of the arrangements, but a quick search on the lobby wi-fi yesterday afternoon with her last bit of energy had showed her that there was exactly one possibility for a flight out of Bozeman going in the general direction of North Dakota, and it left for Minneapolis at 10 A.M. Was there such a thing as a high-speed snow coach? She’d asked Kris at dinner about the logistics, and he’d said, “Don’t worry about it. We’ll make it.”

“Honestly,” she’d said, “you should let me check over the arrangements. It’s my job.”

“Nope. It was simple. And don’t worry, I’ll get you back home by Monday, too.”

“That’s pretty mysterious,” she’d told him.

“Oh, yeah,” Owen had said, taking a bite of lasagna. “Or it’s the home-town crowd, North Dakota, and some extra time on a plane. One or the other. The things I do for you, bro.”

It wasn’t mysterious on the snow coach. It was just loud in the tracked vehicle, and it was early. It was also still dark, which meant no animals to watch for, and Kris wasn’t talking. Which was probably why Jennifer fell asleep.

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