Shame the Devil (Portland Devils #3) - Rosalind James Page 0,166

over him more. Tonight, he was hers.

She said, “Want to come get on my couch?”

Why not the bed? Because she didn’t want a bed. She wanted the lights on, and she didn’t necessarily want to be that comfortable, either. She wanted to know he saw her for who she was, all the dirtiest parts of her, and that he wanted her exactly like that.

She wanted a freaking orgasm. She’d been as sexually stimulated, this past month, as she’d ever been in her life. Or more. So much more. Blame the hormones. Blame Harlan. She was nothing but swollen, aching need by now, and she’d crawl all the way over him to have that need satisfied. He was going to give her those orgasms tonight. As many as she wanted.

He said, “You need a glass of water. Hang on.” And headed out the door and out to the kitchen to get it. Back in control again. Back to let-me-take-care-of-you Harlan. Also, she’d just note, he was the most beautiful man to watch, coming and going. He had some scars. He had some muscle. He had just absolutely everything she wanted.

When he came back, he had two glasses of water. And a gleam in his eye. He said, standing naked in the middle of her living room, while she was still wearing her spun-sugar robe and her not-sweet-at-all black lingerie, “You’re a pretty bad girl, aren’t you?”

“Well, yeah.” She tried to toss it off. It didn’t quite come out that way. “I’ve been trying to tell you. But all you’ve wanted to do is kiss me sweetly and tenderly and leave.”

“No worries,” he said, drinking his own water down. “I’m not going to kiss you sweetly and tenderly tonight.” He took her glass from her hand, since she’d finished it, set both of them down on the coffee table, took her head in his hands, and kissed her. Hot, dirty-sweet, and deep. When he pulled back, he said, “That’s how I taste, huh.”

“Yeah,” she said, and smiled. Slowly. “Aren’t you delicious?”

“Uh-huh.” This time, he smiled. “And so are you. So we’re on the couch? Not the bed? You want me to play dirty with you, baby?”

That sent a hard rush right through her. She could feel that little ring with every step she took, because that was just how swollen she was by now, and this time, she was the one who couldn’t answer.

“Yeah,” he said, and now, his smile was cocky. “That’s what I thought. Come on. Get over the arm of the couch.”

He didn’t ask. He just pushed her down so she was sitting at the end of the couch. Next to the arm. She said, “Uh … Harlan …”

“Shh,” he said, then took her legs in his hands and spun her. He dragged her back until her hips were perched right on the edge of that upholstered arm, then asked, “OK? Comfortable enough?”

She didn’t want him to ask. She wanted him to do it. But if he left her here much longer, she was going to get self-conscious. Her legs were dangling over the side, and there was no way you’d ever keep them together. She was resting on the back of her head, her shoulders, and her arms, the blood was rushing to her head, and she was already halfway there. She said, “Hurry up.”

He smiled. Slowly. And said, “Oh, no. I don’t think so. Didn’t I mention this? Maybe I should mention it now. It’s not your turn anymore.” With that, he reached down and unfastened the cups of her bra, and the tingles that had been running through her became jolts.

He brushed his hands over her nipples, and she felt them harden, the sensation so strong, it nearly hurt. “You can touch yourself there,” he said.

“Yeah?” She was still going for it. Still doing her best to be that other woman, the one she wanted to be. “What are you going to do, then?”

“Oh, baby,” he said. “You know better than to ask me that. I’m going to play with your ring, that’s what. I’m going to do anything I want.” He had his fingers around the edge of her panties, was pulling them over her thighs, down her calves, and when she felt them fall from her ankles, he stood there, shoved her thighs slowly apart with his palms, and sighed.

Which was when he took that ring between finger and thumb and slowly twisted it. Not hard enough to hurt. Just hard enough to shock Copyright 2016 - 2024