The Shadowseeker - Victor Kloss Page 0,44

Charlie and Natalie entered. Likewise, the few apprentices present were in their own worlds, clearly cramming for final tests.

“Probably not a good idea to sit at the tables,” Ben noted.

“No, we should work our way into the book shelves and just relax there for a while,” Natalie said. “I know a good place; follow me.”

They wound their way deep into the maze; Ben gave up trying to remember the way out after so many left and right turns. They ended up in a small reading room with a circular table and a couple of rickety chairs.

“I think we should stay here,” Natalie said. She glanced at her watch. “It's 5:20pm now. We should make a move at 7:45pm. So that gives us around two and a half hours to kill.”

“At least we won't get bored,” Charlie said, rubbing his hands as he stared at the books that surrounded them.

The time passed easily, as they talked and wandered round, trying to find the most interesting books. Once or twice, they heard voices and quietened down, ready to move, but the voices always faded and they remained uninterrupted. As the time approached 7:45pm, the nerves started to set in. Even Charlie found it impossible to keep reading, and he took to pacing up and down the little open space.

“It's time. Let's get going,” Natalie said.

They left the library and returned to the spiral staircase. Ben led the way, moving quickly, but keeping his footsteps soft on the marble. He could hear voices up the stairs, but few people seemed around on the lower levels. The moment he passed through the double doors leading to the Department of Apprentices, his senses heightened. It wasn't the apprentices he was scared of; it was Dagmar. If she caught them now, they would be in deep trouble.

“All clear,” he said, peeking round the corner before proceeding down the hallway. In the distance on the left was their target: the locker room.

“I'm really not looking forward to this,” Charlie muttered.

Ben opened the locker room door and was pleased to find they were alone. Two lines of lockers with their huge green eyes lined each wall.

Ben and Charlie walked to the end, while Natalie stopped about halfway down. Ben gave his locker a friendly wave, and the locker blinked lazily in response.

“How long do we have to do this for?” Charlie said, staring nervously at his own locker.

“The security person normally checks their floor at 8pm. It doesn't take more than fifteen minutes. I think we should come out at 8:30pm, just to be sure.”

“So we're stuck inside the locker for almost half an hour? Wonderful.”

Charlie's protests were silenced by a sudden noise outside. A voice, perhaps more than one.

“Quick, get in!” Ben said. He was the first to get his locker door open. Ben had to stoop to squeeze inside, and sat awkwardly on his bag with his handbook in his lap. A sudden thought occurred to him.

“How do we get the doors to shut?” Charlie said, voicing the question first.

There was no easy way to pull the doors closed from the inside, and Ben stared agonisingly at the large stone door. The voices outside became louder and Ben thought he heard someone rattle the handle. How would they explain themselves, sitting inside their own lockers when they shouldn't even be in the Institute? Ben scanned the door frantically – there was simply no way of pulling it shut, as there was no handle. There was only one thing to do.

“Phyliss, please close the locker,” Ben said, in a clear voice.

The inside of the locker gave a peculiar vibration and the stones seemed to judder. Thankfully, the door started swinging shut. Ben could just make out Charlie and Natalie frantically ordering theirs shut when his door closed. Blackness and silence. He waited a full minute on edge. Had someone entered the room? Had they been seen? Ben imagined the security guard knocking on his locker, demanding him to get out. But it never happened, and Ben eventually relaxed. He shuffled his position on his bag and lay his head back, in a futile attempt to relax.

Time trickled by and it seemed an age before the little dial on his watch said 8:30pm. Finally, Ben ordered Phyliss to open the door and he stepped out, stretching his back and giving a groan of pleasure. Natalie and Charlie were in the process of doing the same.

“Even though it's late, there are still people about,” Natalie warned. “The threat from Copyright 2016 - 2024