Shadows - Suzanne Wright Page 0,50

don’t touch it. They don’t taste it. They don’t fuck it. Understood?”

She gaped at him. “I’ve got to give it to you, Tanner, you’ve got brass-fucking-balls.”

“Not a single soul gets near it. Tell me you hear me.”

“Oh, I hear you. I just can’t imagine why you think I’ll bow down to your wishes.”

Tanner pitched his voice low as he said, “You don’t want to call my bluff on this, Devon. If someone else touches you, they’ll pay for it in blood. That’s not a threat, it’s a promise. If you’re thinking I don’t mean that, you’re wrong. You don’t know the things I’ve done. You don’t know the things I’m capable of.”

“Is this where I quiver in terror?”

“No, it’s where you heed me for once, because we’re far from done.” He kissed her. Took her mouth like it belonged to him. Licked and bit until the tension began to leach out of her spine. Yeah, she got his message loud and clear.

Tanner pulled back and released her, satisfied by the flush on her cheeks and the need spicing her scent, despite that she was glaring at him. “Remember what I said.”

As he turned to leave, she prompted, “Or … ?”

He glanced at her over his shoulder. “Or you’ll learn just how far I’ll go not to share you. Don’t test me on this, kitten. I’ve killed enough people in the many, many years I’ve walked this Earth. But then, what’s one more to add to the tally?”


Standing in the airport terminal the next morning, Devon glanced at her watch. Her parents’ airplane had landed twenty minutes ago, so she figured they should have appeared by now. Well, they hadn’t.

The people around her were just as impatient, letting out heavy sighs, shifting restlessly, and repeatedly glancing at the large digital monitor displaying departure and arrival times … as if it would somehow tell them exactly when the passengers would walk through the automated doors.

Enzo and Lex were amongst the crowd—no doubt on Tanner’s orders. They’d been following her around all morning. She was also being tailed by two members of Jolene’s Force, Tyson and Rhonda. None were making any effort to look inconspicuous, clearly wanting people to know she wouldn’t be an easy target if they were dumb enough to make a grab for her.

She took another bite of the candy bar she’d bought from the vending machine. Well, one of the bars she’d bought. They wouldn’t do much for her figure, sure, but Devon was on the seafood diet. If she saw food, she devoured it. Best diet ever.

God, where were the damn passengers? Her feline didn’t like it there. Didn’t like being crowded by so many people. Didn’t like the cloying scents of perfume, cologne, and hairspray. It wanted to—

The automated glass doors slid open. People began to file out, carting luggage and carrying plastic carrier bags.

Devon craned her neck to look for her parents. Some passengers dashed over to members of the crowd while others breezed by and headed out. She danced from foot to foot, waiting. And waiting. And then Russell shuffled through the doors, grumbling to his mate about something while having some sort of fight with the handle of his suitcase.

Warmth blooming inside her, Devon’s lips twitched. He often grumbled. And sighed. And rolled his eyes. And shook his head in consternation. Yet, it was all somehow endearing. Russell was like a grouchy but cuddly teddy bear. And he seemed to have made it his life’s mission to leave his beloved armchair as little as possible. But every year without fail, the imp took his mate away for the weekend to celebrate their anniversary.

Unlike him, Gertie was always on the move. Cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, pottering around, working as a cook at the local school. She loved flea markets and garage sales; could sniff out a bargain a mile away—which Russell loved, because he was a major tight-ass.

Gertie often called him lazy and bone-idle, but it really didn’t bother her much. Probably because the hellcat had her own way of doing things and didn’t like anyone interfering. She also didn’t look much like Devon’s mother, despite that she was Pamela’s older sister.

His gaze found Devon and he brightened. “There she is.” Reaching her, he curled his arm around her and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Hello, beautiful.”

Gertie kissed her other cheek. “Sweetheart, how are you?”

“Happy to see you both,” replied Devon. “How was New York?”

“Hectic. Rainy. We loved it. Of course, your father Copyright 2016 - 2024