Shadows - Suzanne Wright Page 0,127

pulled back his fist with a hiss.

A wave of Knox’s hand made the flames part just enough for him to look at Foreman. “Last chance to let us out, Royal. It’ll mean death by the flames if you don’t.”

His expression both grave and determined, Foreman shook his head. “I truly am sorry.” And then he started edging away, clearly intending to make his escape. He might be content to die in the explosion, but he clearly didn’t want to go through the agony of being devoured by the flames of hell.

Knox sighed. “Bad decision.”

A black flame flicked out and hooked around Foreman’s throat. He screamed and kicked his legs as it lifted him high, and then it dragged him down. His howls of pain cut off as the flames swallowed him whole.

“The gaps in the walls are getting bigger,” said Levi.

Big enough to fit an arm through, but not a body. And if the flames didn’t destroy the snare before the bomb detonated, they were totally fucked.

Urgency riding him hard, Tanner again tried reaching out with his mind to touch Devon’s, needing to know if she was alive. But, again, the fluid prison blocked his attempt.

Even as they all knew it was likely pointless, the three of them battered at the walls with everything they had—orbs of hellfire, raw strength, waves of sheer power. Nothing worked, but they didn’t stop. Still, it was likely thanks to the flames alone that a break finally formed in one of the walls that was almost wide enough for them to squeeze through.

“I know you’re eager to get to Devon,” Knox said to Tanner. “I’ll pyroport you right to her the moment we take care of the bomb—that can’t wait. Foreman seemed to be guarding that portion of the wall over there,” he added, pointing to their right. “Which was exactly where Muriel’s scent seemed to be leading you. The second we get out, you get your ass to the bomb. I’ll direct the flames at it, and then I’ll get us the fuck out of here. Agreed?”

Tanner nodded, even though the only thing that mattered to him was getting to Devon. He’d heard the ticking; knew the bomb was close.

“We can fit through the gap now, but it won’t be easy,” said Levi.

His prediction proved right. Knox ordered the flames to move away from that part of the wall—they’d cause him no harm, but they’d eat Tanner and Levi alive. The prison walls were so cold they burned Tanner’s flesh as he awkwardly struggled through the large crack. Although they were fluid, they scraped and scoured him, just as a huge block of ice would.

When he was finally free, he hurried his ass to find the bomb, but didn’t bother to check how much time they had once he found it. Didn’t need to, because Knox called on the flames, and they rippled along the ground toward the bomb, consuming it.

“Now we leave,” Tanner growled.


Prowling towards Leticia, the feline peeled back its upper lip, baring its venom-tipped fangs. It snapped its teeth, and she flinched.

“Oh no, there’s no way you’re getting near me with those teeth.” Leticia pushed off the wall. “You’re one scary-looking bitch, I’ll give you that. You’ll also be a dead scary-looking bitch when I’m done with you.” She flicked her hand, and power slashed out like a knife. The feline moved fast, avoiding the blow. Porcelain shattered as the scalpel-sharp energy sliced right through the empty mug.

The feline sneered at her poor effort but didn’t retaliate. It wanted to play with its prey a little before it killed this bitch who had sent Devon back to a time in her life that had almost destroyed her. Oh, the female would pay for that.

Control and power were important things to her—the demon could sense it. So it would show her just how much weaker she was than the feline; would take away the control she needed; would make her feel a terror so thick she could choke on it, just as Devon once had.

Backing away, Leticia made an exasperated sound in the back of her throat. She flicked out her hand again. The feline ducked, and the curtain rod behind it clanged to the wooden floor as the power severed it.

Leticia’s fingers retracted like claws. “For fuck’s sake!”

She struck out again and again. Wicked fast, the feline ducked and dodged, evading each one. Glass splintered as pictures fell to the floor. The coffee table toppled after one leg was Copyright 2016 - 2024