Shadows of the Redwood - By Gillian Summers Page 0,35

a hemlock tree. He was dressed in his dark brown gambeson, green hose, and tall boots. His dark brown hair was loose and free. A pointed ear tip poked through the strands. Keelie assumed it would go unnoticed—there were mundanes here with fake elf ears.

He bowed his head. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you will allow me to sit with you.”

Surprised at the request, Keelie looked at Sir Davey, who winked at her. Then Sean came over to join them. He nodded politely to Tavyn.

The Redwood elf clasped his hands behind his back and returned Sean’s nod with a distinct not-glad-to-see-you gaze. There was definitely an undercurrent of tension between the two elves.

Sean stepped close to Keelie. “I was going to ask Lady Keliel to dine with me, and you, too, Sir Davey.”

“I’d like to, but I have to go for my fitting.” Sir Davey pulled out a slip of paper from the leather pouch holding the iPhone. “‘Costume fitting: 6:30.’ I’ll see you later.” Sir Davey wandered away—mumbling about how vendors shouldn’t be forced against their will to be in a stage production.

Keelie gritted her teeth together, trying to repress a laugh as the image of Sir Davey in wings returned to her. She wondered if his wings would be like Risa’s, cheap and glittery. Nah, Sir Davey would carry the whole fairy handmaiden look much better than Risa could ever do.

“Lady Keelie, if you’re ready, I’ll escort you into the theater.” Tavyn held out his elbow in an invitation.

Sean stepped forward. “May I interrupt? I need to speak to you, Keelie, about your father.”

“Is something wrong?” Keelie’s heart had started thumping, either from Sean’s nearness or his mention of her father.

“Not at all,” Sean replied quickly. “But it’s a personal matter.” He stared coolly at Tavyn.

Tavyn stepped back. “Of course.” A flash of irritation crossed his face. “Until later, Lady Keliel.” Tavyn took two steps back, turned, and walked away, blending into the crowd.

What was up with Sean? He’d acted all macho elf when Scott had been paying attention to her, and now he was doing the same thing with Tavyn. Part of Keelie was secretly thrilled that he was acting like a boyfriend, but there was another part of her that wasn’t too happy. Relationships were so confusing.

Knot had returned. He sat down next to Keelie and proceeded to wash his butt. Risa was nowhere in sight. That was a small favor, and one less thing to deal with.

Sean held out his hand toward Keelie and motioned with his head to the path leading back down to Juliet City. She accepted Sean’s hand, and a tingle skipped up and down her spine.

As they walked, a cloud was following them from above. It had to be the same tree spirit Keelie had noticed hanging around the shop. It was so obvious. Sean turned, and the cloud floated up. He looked puzzled, shook his head, and continued walking.

“You said you needed to talk to me about Dad. Why?”

“Your father wants me to go with you and Laurie to L.A. next week. I know he didn’t tell you that. Typical Zeke.”

Sean in L.A.? Keelie was thrilled, but her head spun at the concept of her lordly elven boyfriend in worldly Los Angeles. Of course, with his surfer good looks, he could fit in. She’d have to come up with a good costume for him.

The cloud was back, floating along. It was trailing them again like a bad detective. Keelie saw, from the corner of her eye, that Knot was watching it too, his eyes dilated.

All of a sudden, Sean stopped. He glanced up. The cloud scooted into some bushes. It could at least try to act like a cloud. Knot darted off into the rhododendrons.

“What is going on?” Sean pointed in the direction of the cloud and cat.

Keelie looked to the left and the right of the path to make sure no one was around. She leaned close to Sean and whispered, “It’s a tree.”

“It’s a tree?” Sean blinked as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing.

Keelie nodded. “It’s a tree spirit. The redwoods can spirit walk, and allow anyone to see them. Even humans.”

Sean’s eyes widened in surprise. He turned to look for the cloudlike form and found it hiding behind a large rhododendron. Sean gestured in the direction of the ocean. “What about the mist. Is that a tree, too?”

“No, just mist. But they use it for camouflage. They blend in Copyright 2016 - 2024