Shadows of the Redwood - By Gillian Summers Page 0,2

yelled out, “Let’s have lunch before you leave for the High Mountain Faire.”

“Sure,” Keelie called. She couldn’t talk to him until that torch was extinguished. “See you later. Bye, Plu.”

She trudged back to where she’d parked her father’s battered pickup truck. No one had time for her today. Keelie didn’t want to whine to Dad about the sale of the house, as if she was yearning for the life she’d had before, and Grandmother wouldn’t understand. She climbed into the truck, waiting for Knot to take his usual seat beside her, paws on the dashboard so that he could watch the road ahead. She started the truck up and headed through town, then turned left at the first crossroad and started up the mountain.

Keelie shivered as she passed the tall trees that marked the beginning of the Dread Forest, and grasped the rose quartz crystal that she kept clipped to her belt loop. The Dread, as it was called, was a powerful magic that the elves had laid upon the forest long ago, to make humans feel a powerful, unfocused terror and run away as fast as possible. By successfully keeping humans out with the Dread, the elves had kept the forest pristine for centuries. As a half-human, Keelie was not as affected by the Dread as a full human would be, but it still made her nauseated and afraid. So, as Sir Davey had taught her, she drew on her rose quartz to channel Earth magic, which boosted her other powers and helped her resist the Dread. Without the crystal, she wouldn’t be able to live here with her father.

The lessons she’d taken with Lord Elianard, over the winter, had included a section from ancient books on the elven use of Earth magic. Keelie had picked up some tips about Earth magic that even Sir Davey didn’t know. Of course, now she was stuck carrying around a huge book of charms and spells that she had to work through, but it was worth it. For one thing, she’d learned to boost the power of the rose quartz with elven magic, so now she could just clip the crystal to her belt and still be covered by its effect. She had also made extra charms and stashed them in the house, the truck, and even around the forest so she’d never be without one.

After a while the Earth magic charm was self-sustaining, and Keelie was able to let the crystal dangle once more from her waist. The woods were beautiful, thick with tall, ancient trees. The high canopy and shadowed floor held all kinds of life, and Keelie felt as if she was an important part of it.

Soon, the gray stone stable of the elven village loomed ahead, and she parked in the graveled lot next to it. The building housed the Silver Bough Jousting Company’s horses in the off-season. This was also where supplies and deliveries were dropped off, before the human delivery drivers quickly left, screaming all the way down the mountain.

Keelie walked around the building, which smelled faintly of horses even though all of them had been trucked to California for the start of the Juliet City Shakespeare Festival. Sean, the head jouster and Keelie’s sort-of boyfriend, had been so busy preparing for the trip that they’d barely seen each other in weeks.

She batted aside the thought that if he’d really wanted to, he could have made time to be with her. At least he hadn’t been with Risa, who had been his fiancé for, like, five minutes last fall. Keelie tried not to think about that either. The curvy elf girl was joining the Ren Faire circuit for the first time this spring, selling handmade herbal products, and she was starting in Juliet City.

Keelie had wanted to go to Juliet as well, mostly so that she could be closer to Sean, and also to her friend Laurie, who lived in L.A. (although L.A. was not exactly next door, being hundreds of miles to the south). But now that Risa was going to be at the Festival, Keelie had a second reason to go there. And the envelope in her hand made three.

But instead, she was stuck in Oregon, plowing through the Lore Books that Lord Elianard had assigned her, as well as working through the massive and massively boring book of charms and spells, otherwise known as the Compendium of Elven Household Charms. Lord Elianard expected her to have it memorized by the time they rendezvoused Copyright 2016 - 2024