Shadowed (Team Zero #4) - Rina Kent Page 0,50

the game.” Ghost throws me a stern look. “We need everyone’s contribution to bring down the second factory.”

“Sure thing. Just tell me what to do.”

I don’t give a fuck about the second factory or Hades. The only reason I care a little is that one of our mates, Hawk, is being tortured and we need him out. That’s all. Ink won’t be leaving The Pit any time soon.

“First of all,” Ghost says. “Stop punching boxers to within an inch of their lives.”

“I would if you sparred with me.” I glare at him. “But you’re too busy with your love life and being a unicorn.”

The car comes to a halt in front of Le Salon. I get out before he says another word.

He keeps up with my pace as we head to the safe house. “Is this all about Zoe?”

Just the sound of her name slashes a knife through my already fresh wound.

A mixture of rage, hurt, and longing covers my vision, but I chase it all away. I’m not thinking about her.

Until I find her, I’m not sparing her a fucking thought.

Or that’s what I tell myself when I drown in a bottle of scotch every night. At least I’m trying to get off Omega.

Ghost sighs long and deep. “She’s gone. Let her be.”

He should know more than anyone that if I fixate on something, nothing — absolutely nothing — will stop me from having it.

She left a gaping hole behind, and I’m not leaving her alone until she fills it.

I’ve been running around like a madman since that day. I stalked the lake house like a first-class creeper. I tried tracking down everyone she’s ever known. No results came out. It’s like she disappeared into thin fucking air.

That’s when I knew it must be a Team Zero’s doing. I would’ve found her if anyone else hid her — including the witness protection program.

Mist became my target because that old hag is the last one who had contact with her. I’ll stop at nothing to make her talk.

“She’s not gone,” I grit out.

He’s about to say something, but Elle saunters from the safe house. She’s wearing simple jeans and a pastel green T-shirt that must belong to Scar. Her long brown hair falls on either side of her face which is free from any makeup.

She’s a new waitress around here that Ghost has taken a liking to. Or more like he’s become obsessed with her.

It’s weird as hell. I would’ve believed that Ghost was abducted by aliens before believing he’s in a romantic relationship.

Elle is a tough bean and knows how to hold her own, but I don’t trust her. Especially after she followed me to the lake house that day. It’s like I know her from somewhere. Not remembering her face nags at me.

Her soft features and electric blue eyes shouldn’t be forgettable, so where the hell have I seen her before?

She throws a wary look my way before she snuggles into Ghost’s side. His lips move into the closest thing he has for a smile. His latest obsession with Elle has made him loosen up despite all the chaos with Hades, the factory, and Team Zero.

I should be happy for him, but I’m petty, so I stalk inside and leave them be.

As soon as I’m in my room, I wrench open the cabinet and snatch my bottle of scotch for the night. I don’t bother with a glass and drink until the burn nearly cuts my throat.

It doesn’t help. None of this fucking helps.

Unless I find Zoe, I’m stuck in this borrowed time with a borrowed life and borrowed everything.

Zoe barged into my world and challenged me. Not only that, but she also brought out a side of me I thought was long dead. There’s no way in hell I’ll let her walk out of my life as if she was never there.

Somewhere in my drinking spree, I fall to the bed. My mind crowds with ways to make Mist talk without murdering her. She’s been obsessed with getting Hawk out of Hades’ clutches and I thought about using that to my advantage. I can kidnap him and threaten her with his life because although she pretends to hate him, I don’t think she does. Otherwise, why would she be losing her shit whenever Hades sends a torture video of Hawk?

Not that I’ll harm Hawk, but it’s a good bargaining chip against the old hag.

“Stop looking for me.” A soft voice drifts from beside me.

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