Shadow of My Heart - By Caryn Moya-Block Page 0,47

the hallway and down toward the elevator.

“Joe, can you talk to Rick about Derek’s ring? I need to get back to New Mexico and see Cara.”

“Sure, I’ll let you know if he has any ideas. I’ll get the duty roster and figure out who was working that night and who was off. Do you have any thoughts on who it might be?”

“I don’t want to point any fingers, but check into Nurse Eschbach. Something about her seemed off to me.”

“You mean because she didn’t like you?”

“No, it was more than that. I don’t know. Maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree,” Raven said, running his hand through his hair. The elevator doors opened, spilling more light into the hallway.

“You look tired. Go back to Quiet Thunder’s. Tell everyone I said ‘Hello’,” Joe said, stepping into the elevator.

“Thanks, Joe,” Raven answered while the doors closed. Once again, standing in the darkened hallway, he turned to find the thickest shadows. There was a small alcove holding a drinking fountain. When he looked closely, he could see a wavering of darkness.


Raven walked out of Shadow and onto the front porch of Quiet Thunder’s ranch house. Lightning cracked across the sky, highlighting the gathering black clouds. Seconds later, thunder rolled across the valley. Within moments raindrops began to fall, hitting the ground with big plops. He quickly opened the front door and slipped into the entryway, glad to be out of the storm.

Lindy waved from the chair in front of the television, before nodding her head toward the sleeping woman on the couch. Cara lay peacefully, her knees curled up, her face resting on her hand, her dark eyelashes brushing her cheeks.

Just looking at her, Raven felt that pull on his heart. She was his. His everything. Somehow he had to convince her to stay with him. Kneeling down beside the couch, he leaned over and kissed her forehead, then her eyes, pressing light butterfly kisses on each lid, her nose, kissing just the tip, as her eyelids fluttered. Finally, when her eyes opened, he kissed her lips, gently caressing them, coaxing her to respond. Cara wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, deepening the kiss until their tongues tangled and stroked each other.

The look of love in her eyes brought forth a wave of emotion Raven didn’t know what to do with. He closed his eyes to keep the wetness from showing. Slowly, reverently, he stopped kissing her and drew back to look at his woman, his mate. She smiled at him, her whole face lighting up.

“You’re home,” she whispered.

Chapter Eleven

Cara lay draped across Raven’s chest, listening to the beat of his heart. The storm had finally blown itself out, and the sun was rising, the sky turning a bright orange. Raven had made love to her after scooping her up from the couch and carrying her upstairs. She loved the way he made her feel cherished. Even with the storm raging outside, his touch pulled her into a space where only the two of them existed.

She loved him. Her life would be barren and empty without him. But his life was full of danger. He explained that his friend, the general, had been shot, and that’s why he hadn’t been here to greet her after the shopping trip. Luckily, the general was still alive. What if that had been Raven? How could she live in his world?

But then, how could she not? To walk away now would destroy her. She was beginning to feel she was part of a family again. Shopping with his sisters had been so much fun. She remembered Quiet Thunder’s nurturing care with her injuries. She had even enjoyed being with Derek with his flirty personality. She didn’t want to give any of them up.

Banging on the front door echoed through the house. Cara sat up, and just as fast, Raven was awake and reaching for his jeans.

“I’ll get it. You look tired, Cara. Go back to sleep, tehila,” Raven said, slipping his jeans on before heading to the door.

“I won’t sleep without you.”

“I will be right back. Perhaps I can find a way to make you sleepy,” he said winking.

The pounding continued, then Cara heard a woman’s frantic voice. Not able to stay away, she slipped on a robe and headed down the stairs. Gwen and Lindy were already on the landing and heading for the front door.

“The bus swerved and turned over into a ditch full of water. The girls are trapped. I Copyright 2016 - 2024