Shadow of My Heart - By Caryn Moya-Block Page 0,35

and poured her a glass of orange juice to go with it, setting it on the table next to the bed. He pulled up a chair to the other side and picked up the plate with the turkey club, before sitting down and taking a big bite.

“I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I saw the food,” Raven said. “After you eat, I’ll take you on a tour of the apartment. I want you to stay here with me, Cara.”

Her mouth full of food, Cara choked and gasped. Grabbing the orange juice, she took a long drink. “Move in with you?”

“Well yes, we have a wedding to plan, and I want to be close to you. Wait, let me do this the right way.”

Walking over to the dresser, Raven picked up a black-velvet box, then turning, went down on one knee. “Cara Hamilton, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

“Raven, I don’t know what to say.”

“Just say, yes, Baby. I know what happened was traumatic, but you have to know I love you. Give us a chance.”

Cara looked into Raven’s pleading eyes. Could she do it? She did love him, but the attack was still upsetting to her, even though she wasn’t afraid anymore. Was she willing to take the risk of loving this man?

“Tehila, please. I will do anything to have you.”

“Raven, don’t say that. I’m not asking for anything. Please get up. I’m just not sure I can live in your world. It’s scary and dangerous. I could lose you.” It hurt seeing him like this, a proud man willing to do anything to have her.

“Cara, there is more chance of me being killed in a car accident than being killed by terrorists,” Raven said, rising to his feet and moving to sit next to her on the bed. “I know you are brave and courageous. If you let them change your life, then they win. Don’t let them win, tehila. Don’t let them keep us apart. Fight for us. Want me enough to take the risk.”

Cara blinked, trying to keep the tears that were threatening to spill at bay. Was that what she was doing? Letting them win. She loved Raven. Being his wife was a dream come true.

“I’m afraid I’m not strong enough, Raven.”

“Of course you are, Cara,” Raven said, wiping the tear away that rolled down her cheek. “Anyone who teaches thirty third-graders is strong. Give us a chance. That’s all I’m asking.”

Cara reached out and cupped Raven’s face in her hand. She loved him so much. Pulling her strength around her like a cloak, she leaned forward and gently kissed him. “All right, Raven. I would be honored to be your wife.”

Raven opened the box and pulled out the large diamond engagement ring. Then, he placed the ring on her finger, kissing it into place. He grabbed her close, hugging her to him and spilling the rest of her sandwich on the bed. He kissed her voraciously, and Cara went pliant in his arms.

“Thank you, Great Spirit! You are my world, Cara, my happiness.”

Cara laughed, her heart filling with joy and delight. “I am also covered in food. Why don’t you let me get up and shower? Then, we can strip the bed.”

“Come here,” Raven said, swinging her out of the bed and into his arms. He carried her to the chair and sat with Cara perched on his lap. “You need to eat. Here, have my fruit. I don’t want you getting ill from lack of nourishment.”

“If I did, Isanti would just feed me another one of his tonics,” Cara said, chuckling.

“Probably, but then you might sleep for two more days. I want to be with you, Cara. Not sleeping beauty.”

“Would you kiss me and wake me up?”

“Of course, but I’d rather kiss you now while you’re awake and can kiss me back,” Raven said, popping a grape into her mouth, then following it with a kiss. Cara sighed in contentment. Raven could kiss the socks off her or in this case the nightgown.

I heard that, Raven sent into her mind as he kissed her again. Cara’s face grew warm. She’d forgotten he could read her thoughts. Reaching over to the table, Cara picked up a piece of banana and rubbed it on Raven’s nose.

“I can’t believe you did that,” Raven said, picking up a piece of strawberry and mashing it on her hair. She retaliated by grabbing the glass of orange juice and pouring the contents onto Raven’s Copyright 2016 - 2024