Shadow of My Heart - By Caryn Moya-Block Page 0,2

Adar, a known member of the Quds force, and the people helping him smuggle weapons-grade uranium into Iran.

As Raven and Joe walked through the city, the streets were exceptionally quiet. Even with the distortion of the Shadow Dimension, there should have been city sounds around them. The mandatory curfews the government imposed were keeping people off the street. Raven could only be thankful. There was something very disorienting when a person walked through you. He tried to avoid it if possible. Joe and his younger brother Derek often teased him about it. But now that wouldn’t be a problem until they got to the compound where the meeting was taking place.

Finally arriving at the gated entry point, Raven looked around at all the lights set up in the courtyard. It was a good thing this was just a listening mission. Without a shadow to walk through, he and Joe couldn’t leave the Shadow Dimension. Guards walked the perimeter of the compound armed with machine guns. The only sign of Raven and Joe’s passing would be a cool breeze as they made their way to the meeting room.

Raven had memorized a map of the building and led the way through the gates and outside walls of the building that stood solid on Earth. When they arrived in the proper room, he moved close to the outside walls. If someone did walk through the space where he was standing, he would feel a cold spot, but nothing else.

It shouldn’t be too much longer before the meeting begins, Raven sent telepathically to Joe. I think they are waiting for Faheed Adar to arrive. Once we hear who is supplying them with weapons-grade uranium, the general can close down the supply line.

Just then, the door slammed open, and Adar entered, followed by a Caucasian man wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap low over his face.

What have we here? Joe asked excitedly. Could this be the supplier?

Why is he acting so suspiciously? It’s almost like he knows we’re here listening, Raven pointed out.

While in this dimension, they could see and hear everything happening on Earth as if looking through a foggy mirror. But they couldn’t manipulate anything physically on the Earth plane without crossing into it.

Adar started talking excitedly, and a search of the room began. Soon the men in the room turned over every chair and checked under the table.

They’re looking for listening devices. The general may have a traitor in his circle. How could they know we would be here tonight? Joe asked, sending his thoughts to Raven.

At least they have no way of discovering us here in Shadow, Raven replied. This is disturbing news. The general will have to be briefed immediately.

Raven centered himself and reached across space and time with his telepathy to find the youngest member of their team, his brother, Derek “Red Hawk” Darkwood.

Derek, inform the general we have a leak in security. Adar was told we would be listening today. Keep it quiet and speak to him directly.

Will do. What is your ETA?

Unknown at this time. Depends on how long-winded Adar is.

Roger that.

The men in Adar’s group started to right the chairs and sit back down. Adar approached the Caucasian man and slapped him hard across the face. His baseball cap and sunglasses flew through the air and landed on the floor. Both Joe and Raven could see the face of the blond-haired, blue-eyed man. Raven memorized his features and would sketch his likeness for General Holland on his return to base.

Flipping on the recording device, Raven positioned himself to receive the best sound quality. Voices recorded in Shadow had a hollow echo. He didn’t want to miss a word.

Adar finished admonishing his troops about possible security leaks. He then described the details of where the next shipment of weapons-grade uranium would be acquired and when it would be expected to arrive.

Raven smiled in satisfaction as the men left the room. This information was exactly what the general needed to shut down smuggling of uranium into Iran. A special unit would be sent in to stop the illegal shipments and arrest the persons involved.

I think we got what we came for, Raven sent telepathically I recognized the Farsi words for uranium and supplier. Let’s get back and report in.

Raven and Joe pictured the operations room at their headquarters in New Mexico and warped through the Shadow Dimension until they could see their fellow teammates in the dimness. The lights in this room were always turned off as people Copyright 2016 - 2024