Shadow of The Fox (Shadow of the Fox #1) - Julie Kagawa Page 0,130

A mortal is summoning them from Jigoku, which means they’re likely after the scroll, as well. Lady Hanshou will not be pleased.” He sighed and gave me a sideways look. “This girl you’ve taken up with, who is giving Iemon a heart attack. Who is she?”

“The only survivor from the temple,” I told him. “She claims her master told her where he sent the scroll, but not how to get there. That’s why we came to the capital—there is someone here who knows where this hidden temple is located. I promised to escort her there once she has the information.”

“I see.” Masao gave no indication of what he thought of this. “And do you trust this girl?”

“I...” I paused. Trust no one, that was Master Ichiro’s number one rule. Believe nothing but what your senses tell you, he would always warn. Humans manipulate. Yokai deceive. Everything has ulterior motives, and the second you let your guard down, they will slit your throat from behind.

I’d heeded his warning, of course. Everything, everyone I met, was looking to kill, harm or manipulate me in some fashion. That assumption had saved my life on more than one occasion, when the sobbing child at the river had lunged at me with bared fangs, and the frightened woman in the alley had attempted to strangle me with her hair.

But Yumeko... It was strange, and possibly dangerous, but I felt...almost comfortable around her. Or, at least, I didn’t believe she would try to stab me the moment I let down my guard. Master Ichiro would flay the skin from my back if he discovered I was having such thoughts, but Yumeko was different, genuinely curious and unassuming. She had saved my life, she didn’t demand anything of me and she was the first person to ever touch me without inflicting pain.

“I trust she will take me to where the scroll is,” I told the courtier. “I trust she will do everything in her power to get there.”

“Good.” Masao nodded. “Continue to aid her, then. Protect the girl from the demons and blood mages that might try to stop you. Do whatever it takes to ensure your mission is a success. And the moment she leads you to the scroll and you have it in your possession, kill her.”

A cold lance went through my stomach, but I nodded once, keeping my voice impassive. “Understood.”

“Excellent.” Masao smiled cheerfully. “I don’t understand why Iemon was so worried. Obviously you will do what you must to finish your mission for Lady Hanshou. So, Tatsumi-kun, what is the next step? Where is this person who knows the location of the scroll?”

“We don’t know,” I said, earning a puzzled frown from the courtier. “He was supposed to be at the Hayate shrine, but three days ago he was summoned to the Imperial Palace and disappeared.”

“Summoned to the palace? By whom?”

“Lady Satomi.”

“Oh? The emperor’s concubine?” Masao pressed his lips together, looking thoughtful. “There are rumors of her cruelty, but no more than most of the inner court. So, are you part of this little game as well, Lady Satomi? How very...interesting.” A sly expression crossed his face, before he shook it off and looked at me again. “A woman of Satomi’s station will be difficult to get to,” he said. “I assume you are going over the wall, but what then? How do you plan to discover what she knows?”

“There is an event at the palace tomorrow night—” I began, and Masao snapped his fingers together.

“Of course. The emperor’s Moon Viewing party, how could I forget?” For a moment, he regarded me with an amused smile on his lips. “A shame you can’t attend the normal way, Tatsumi-kun. I can just see the ladies of the court eyeing you like a pack of ravenous wolves.”

“I’m not sure I understand, Master Masao.”

“I’m sure you don’t.” Abruptly, Masao turned and pressed the end of his fan beneath my chin, forcing me to look up at him. I went rigid as he peered at me, studying my face. “Ichiro and Iemon have probably never told you,” he murmured, “but did you know that you are extremely handsome, Tatsumi-kun? A shame they chose you to be the bearer of that cursed sword. Such wasted potential. Of course, in the court, the right clothes would make the difference, but still.” His eyes gleamed as he lowered the fan and stepped back, smiling in a way that caused a flutter of trepidation to go through my stomach. “Well, do Copyright 2016 - 2024