Shadow Cursed by May Sage Page 0,65

back at me, the wind teasing his messy hair. The beautiful jerk is enjoying this torture—unlike me, he's used to riding faster horses. I have to grin back. I'm glad one of us is having fun at least.

It takes half a day for us to reach Whitecroft, with only one break so the horses could drink and rest. When we first see the dome of light in the distance, my heart leaps in my chest. We made it. Everything is going to be just fine. I let myself believe the three days we spent away have changed nothing. But whatever lie I tell myself dies as we approach.

Far to the east, on the other side of our haven, I see them. Thousands upon thousands of vermin dressed in black and gold, holding a mockery of the flag of Tenebris: the signet of a golden stag on an amethyst backdrop. Only their stag is young and pretty, while ours has longer horns wet with blood.

They're trying to take everything from this land, down to its very soul.

Our enemies are laying siege to Whitecroft, entering through the river. The opening doesn't allow for the full bulk of their army to get in at once, thank heavens, but they're still getting in. I can't see inside the walls, our shield preventing me from distinguishing anything, but I don't doubt that our people are in trouble.

I see the red flames of the Court of Ash mingling with the mortals. We should have guessed they'd shown them the one weakness in our defenses.

"Ash will pay for this. If it's the last thing I do, I'll hunt down every salamander and destroy their history."

Drusk has the gall to laugh at me. "Every one? The children, and the poor soldiers who had a choice between following orders or dying, too?"

I glare at him. He should know that sometimes, I can do without a taste of reality. Wrath is far more palatable. "They may kneel and beg. But the crown of Ash is mine to destroy today."

To that, Drusk finds no objection.

"Such bloodlust, cousin," Titus drawls, catching up to us. "You'll have to learn to share. We wouldn't want my riders to have nothing to play with, after all."

Drusk rolls his eyes. I have the distinct impression he dislikes Titus. I don't—and not only because he gave us an army. He's a mirror. The reflection of what I may become, if I live to see as many centuries as he. Powerful, cold, and ruthless? Yes. But also clever, jovial, and softer among my inner circle. He's overcome the blood of the monster within, and so can I.

Although he is a little too dramatic for my taste. He made me sweat bullets yesterday.

"Oh, I see it. The rage, the darkness. The madness. I see it buried within your pretty eyes." He turns to Meda. "Your granddaughter truly is an Evergreen, is she not? Beautiful, hard, and filled with bloodlust."

He's discerned everything I try to hide about me. He knows who I am inside. The person who wants to keep taking, and taking, and taking lives. The monster.

"What benefit would there be for my people in helping you?"

My jaw ticks. "If humans settle in Tenebris, they'll look north next. To you."

"And if you're settled in Tenebris, you may look north, too."

"Not if we were allies."

He laughs. "Let's be honest, alliances last as long as whims to your kind. I'll need considerably more than that. I'll need blood."

"You'll have it." I don't hesitate. "Aid us, and I'll swear that as long as my line lives, the unseelie kingdom will come to the aid of the seelie land when they need it."

Here I am again, swearing things for my children, and my children's children.

But at least this vow, I comfortably stand by.

The king steps back. "Mmmh."

He returns to Meda's side. "I see why you had to stay. It can't have been easy to whip this one into shape. She's strong-willed."

My grandmother sighs. "And then some. I didn't do half bad, I reckon."

That's almost a compliment.

We may all die after all.

"Very well, child of darkness. You'll bleed and swear, and we'll march south with you in the morning."

Meda blinks. "You think you could call the forces so fast? It’d take a month for the riders to gather and join us."

Titus winks. "I had them come ten years ago. It took your little queen long enough to swallow her pride and come."

I am entirely speechless.

He had an army on standby, ready to march to Copyright 2016 - 2024