Shadow Cursed by May Sage Page 0,44

to believe those I've left behind will survive until I can help.

I have to believe it.

My family is fine. Drusk is fine. I will find help before it's too late.


Ash is empty. There isn't a single soul alive in the entire hall. Not one sprite.

I stand in the middle of the building, letting it sink in.

They left.

They abandoned us.

More than that: they betrayed us.

I don't have to wonder how the enemies knew we were defenseless now.

I stand helplessly, letting it sink in, as the sound of cannons crashes around me.

We failed.

I turn on my heel, preparing to return to Whitecroft Hall and tell the queen she needs to call for an evacuation at once, when I hear it.

A grunt, coming out of one of the empty rooms I'd passed. I move toward it, until I stand in a messy study.

On the floor, next to a row of bookshelves, lies a familiar knight, a dagger planted in his side. The salamander who took me to the queen that first day.

I stand over him, dithering. Part of me wants to finish him off; the other knows I need to listen to him.

"What happened?"

He groans. "The king." He coughs, and the movement makes blood pour out of his wound. "He told us to move back to the Ash Court. Said he made a deal. I—" He winces, every word taking its toll. "Refused. I refused."

I stare at him, not offering any assistance.

In the face of such betrayal, I can't quite believe this. He refused, or he was left behind to keep spying on us.

"Why should I trust you? Why would you turn your back on your court if they've indeed made a deal to return home?"

The salamander's red eyes set on me. "I stand with Tenebris."

I don't want to believe it, but ultimately, the decision doesn't rest with me.

I kneel at his side and pull the knife out. I tear one of my sleeves, and wrap it around his middle, tight. It'll do until we find a healer—or decide to slit his throat.

I hook his arm around my neck and pull him to his feet. I have to support most of his weight, but we manage to get to Whitecroft Hall.

The high queen and most of the lower monarchs save for Ash are in the entryway. The Sandwoman, Meda, and Ina are notably missing. Fighting at the front, no doubt. Vlari would have been jealous.

"What happened?"

I summarize the situation as succinctly as I can manage. "Ash cleared out. They're with the usurper. He says he refused to follow his king."

Several sets of mistrustful eyes fall on the salamander, who's panting and groaning.

Ciera detaches herself from her mate's side, and stands right in front of him.

"Do you swear to serve the high court, no matter the cost, until your dying breath, Lucan?"

That's a hell of a vow for an immortal, even considering the fact that his dying breath could be in a few seconds. I half expect him to bow out.

"I swear," he replies automatically.

She nods. "Good enough. We need a salamander."

Ciera removes a charm pinned on the inside of her embroidered sleeve and presses it against his lapel. A healing charm. I don't know how, exactly, but I can tell Neb made it. It feels like my sister. It smells like her.

"Nero, can you get a healer?"

Her bondmate rushes out without hesitation.

"We need a fire stone," the queen tells the salamander—Lucan. "When you’re better, do you think…"

"I can do it," he manages to croak. "Now."

"Don't be stupid," I shoot back. If he even tries to call to his magic right now, he'll be dead in minutes. "Get to it when you stop leaking."

I leave him well taken care of, and exit the hall.

I have humans to destroy.

Land of Sea


The next time I emerge to breathe, my heart falls as I take in my surroundings. The ominous chain of mountains. The familiar castle that has always been a threatening shadow in the distance.

I've reached the sea. I swam through the entire river, and there was nothing at all.

If I go farther, I'll leave Tenebris entirely, giving myself to the power of the Sea Court. I don't know their allegiance. They could stand with the usurper, deliver me to her on an iron platter. They could keep me at the bottom of the sea.

And yet, what choice do I have?

I take the plunge, sinking so much deeper, into a world of corals and shining fish.

Beautiful. Treacherous. Cruel. Such is the sea. I surrender to it.

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