Shadow Cursed by May Sage Page 0,37

the alternative is to let them all die at the hand of the false queen.

This is war, not a children’s tale.

There are no miracle solutions where all of the folk end up safe, sound, and free. It’s just a matter of picking the path that offers the least amount of death on our side, and the most on theirs.


"Vlari," I say, redirecting the attention of the room to me for the second time. “You can feed from life force, and redistribute it."

The lower kings and queens exchange uncomfortable glances. None of them like the idea of a Void among us. Power over life and death is too much in the hands of one individual. Vlari can make us all kneel, regardless of her intentions, just like Nyx had. But whether they approve or not, there is no denying what she can do.

"Are you suggesting she be part of the rescue? That’s out of the question. The princess needs to stay here, safe.”

“She’s the last of her line! If the queen were to pass, what then?”

I’m ignoring the Sandwoman and the king of Ash, my attention on the woman perched on my armrest. She grins. “Of course, I’ll be there. I’ll assist from a reasonable distance.”

The room bursts into an uproar of protests, coming from everywhere and everyone.

It seems they still don’t understand that she’ll choose what she does.

She stands up and leans over the tree trunk.

“My presence will limit the casualties, and cover our retreat. I am going. This isn’t up for debate.”

"No." The queen straightens her spine. "We can't risk you getting involved and losing some energy in the process. Not because I want to smother you. Because you’re needed in the war to come. It's too much of a risk.”

“Is it?” Nero places his hand on his wife’s shoulder. “We know precious little of Vlari’s power. It hasn't been seen since Nyx, and it's seldom mentioned in any texts. An injection of energy could be just what she needs, and she isn’t likely to feed off us. Facing a few enemies might be necessary.”

“What if we are attacked?” Ciera argues.

“Right now, without a shield, without archers? We’re doomed anyway. I’d much prefer if Vlari was north, then.”

I can tell the queen hates this with a passion, but she knows we’re right. If there's any way we can get an edge, we need to consider it.

“I need to go north, Mother,” Vlari says, holding her gaze.

That, if nothing else, ends the discussion altogether.

The war council ends on that note, and we stay in the room as it empties out.

When no one remains, except for her family—the rest of the high court—I ask, “So where are we actually going?”

She grins. “The Murkwood.”

The Queen’s Fool


I’ve never been one to dream. I wasn’t plagued with nightmares either—I just used to fall into a deep sleep. After ten years of nothing but dreams mingled with visions, I have to remind myself that this is real. I am awake. I am alive.

His presence helps. Drusk. Rystan. Having him by my side is an anchor in reality. If nothing else does, he feels real.


If someone had told me years ago that he was my mate, I would have laughed. Now that I've come to realize it, nothing in my life is more certain. When I'm so old that I forget who I am, I'll still know that he's mine. My mate. The man who was made for me.

I smile at him because I can’t help myself. He knows me better than I would have guessed.

I don't have a thing against the shy folk, of course, but going north just to rescue them seems like a monumental waste of resources. I would have spoken against it, and refocused us on the matter at hand, had I not seen an opportunity.

I need to go north.

“And what, pray, will we be doing in the Murkwood?”

I'm amused by the fact that he includes himself in my plan. He's right to. I have no intention of leaving him behind. “Raiding Old Keep.”

Old Keep is the first settlement the fae built when we arrived to this part of Alfheimr long ago. Surrounded by beasts and demons, they opted to join forces and ensconce themselves behind unbreakable walls. I’ve read ballads and seen paintings of the once-magnificent castle the folk lived in before any court, before any kingdoms, when the unseelie and seelie hadn’t claimed their lands yet. Each stone of the castle is said to be imbued with magic, so that Copyright 2016 - 2024