Shadow Cursed by May Sage Page 0,29

silver hair turn purple, and she lets go, his body falling with a numb thud.

It's over. It's over. She's fine.

She's here.

In front of me.


I think. Is she awake, or have we been pulled inside her head again all along? Is this a dream? It could be. I’ve never had nightmares so horrific or dreams so sweet. I can't make sense of anything. I feel faint all of a sudden.

I'm forced to remember I was stabbed like a pin cushion.

I don't think I care.

In fact, I know I don’t.

I step over the corpse to Vlari, taking her chin in my hand. She feels soft and warm and real.

I have questions. I have many things to say. None of them seem important right this second, though. I bring my lips to hers and taste her for the very first time.

Except it doesn't feel like a first kiss at all. It feels natural. As though we've done this every day since the beginning of time. As if kissing her is as simple as breathing. As if it’s the natural order of things.

I can't get enough. I need it more than air and water. I can't let go. So, I don't. I lift her in one arm, and she wraps her legs around my torso, climbing me like a vine. I feel my wounds burn as though someone poured salt on them. She's healing me. Part of me wants to stop her, to tell her to save her energy. But save it for what?

She's here. She's awake.

The implications are terrifying. It means Whitecroft is no longer protected under her shield. It means the army of thousands of humans can fall upon us now. It means we may all die before the night is through.

I care for none of these things. I don’t care there are guards. If this bothers them, they can go.

We tumble to the floor, next to the corpse that doesn't even exist in my universe right now. I wince and she chuckles around my lips. All that matters is her, on me, with me. Wearing far too many clothes.

She thought something along the same line, because she closes her little hands on my lapels and tears my coat apart, exposing my torso. Buttons roll in various corners. Her hands glide on my skin, setting it ablaze. My hips lift to grind against her.


I think I could literally murder whoever's disturbing us. At least, I might have, if it had been anyone other than Ciera.

The high queen grins from the door, one eyebrow raised.

Under the Stars


Vlari groans against my chest. "Mother."

"Daughter," Ciera echoes, smirking. “You came back to us.”

The queen looks close to tears. I pray that she spares me the hugs, at least.

I gesture for the wide-eyed guards to take their leave, in order to give them a moment of privacy.

“I did. And now we’re without protection.”

I can’t believe she dares sound put out about the fact that she returned to us. To me.

There never was a day as joyous as this, as far as I’m concerned.

“You’re not returning to eversleep.” I think I growl. Actually, I know I do. “Not for all the shields and weapons wielded by the gods themselves.”

We’ll manage without her sacrificing herself.

To my relief, she nods in agreement. I exhale, my shoulders sagging when the tension leaves my muscles. She’s not leaving us. I can bear everything else.

“I had enough energy to create the shield and maintain it after sucking it from the immortals and Violet. I wouldn’t risk it now.” Vlari seems to be under the impression she needs to explain why she isn’t returning right back to her comatose state. I don’t think her mother or I would let her if she tried. “But Whitecroft is compromised.”

She looks to the high queen, who nods in agreement. “Your father and I were visiting each court hall when we saw the dome shatter. Nero remained behind to reassure the people. I rushed here. I thought…”

She doesn’t spell it out. I’m grateful. What she thought almost came to pass, and I’m not ready to dwell on it.

Vlari almost died. My Vlari.

I don’t want to remember the way my heart and soul threatened to break. I’m willing to ignore the memory of the physical pain, and the deeper wound inflicted on my mind.

I caress her arm, and to my wonder, she doesn’t push me away, doesn’t say a word against my touch, accepting it.

“We have to act to avoid mass panic, and to protect this place as well Copyright 2016 - 2024