Shadow Cursed by May Sage Page 0,15

the Frosts to the Ash Court, years ago, during our tournament."

I laugh.

Then I'm not surprised he remembers me.

The general let me enter the tournament. I wiped the floor with a knight or two and brought a fat prize home. The thousand coins fed the whole village for a winter month or two.

While I don't make a habit of giving away everything I earned, I have always been painfully aware that it wasn't possible for my entire family to earn in a month what I make in a week. My mother was a servant in a white lady’s house. My father's forge was one of the best in our court, but what he earned was nothing compared to my potential. My family only allowed me to bring food, occasionally, and some treats for my sister whenever I felt like it. As I had nothing and no one to spend money on, my earnings have piled up for decades. The few times when I earned a prize, rather than a salary, I was permitted to share it.

Hence the reason why I never refused to enter a tournament. And why I never lost.

"Did I wound your pride?" I asked as we cross another doorway.

That would certainly explain the layer of disdain I thought I could read from him.

"Only my wallet. I had a wager placed on one of your opponents. I learned to make wiser choices, after. This way, if you please."

I've never been to this part of the keep. The carved and sculpted walls seem out of place, far grander than any other room. When we pass black marble columns under a painted archway, I still. "These are the queen's quarters."

No one else could claim chambers so fine. Plush velvet throws and low chaises make the area look comfortable and relaxing, but in no way less regal.

"Indeed. You wished to speak to her, did you not?"

I frown. Everyone wants to see the high queen. It doesn't mean that we can or should.

The knight answers the question I haven't asked. "The high queen gave orders some time ago. The members of her high court are to be admitted at any time, and command us all, it seems. You aren't liked for it."

I blink. "I'm a member of the high court?"

That was news to me.

"There are so few, it's easy to remember the list. The queen’s family, and you. That's it. As I said, you aren't liked for it."

I suppose I wouldn't be.

It astonishes me that I was included, when I never knelt to Ciera.

"This way. The queen will join you as soon as she's able."

I'm ushered to a study with bookshelves full of colorful spines. Too restless to claim a woven wood seat, I opt to inspect the books, pulling one here and there.

They aren't spell books, or memoirs, or even dull historical novels. These are stories. Human stories, printed by the hundreds.

I'm astonished to find them here.

"My greatest secret. I am a lover of adventure. Just not when it happens outside of the safety of these pages."

I turn to find Ciera standing at the doorway, hand in her husband Nero's grasp.

She has always looked the part of a queen, but now she wears a crown that looks too cumbersome on her pretty head.

"Your Highness."

I know protocol dictates that I get to one knee. I don't. She doesn't demand it.

"Come, sit. I am glad you came to us. Is your family well?"

I don't have the patience to stand for small talk. "I went to see the hag just now."

Ciera's eyes widen, but I see no recognition on Nero's features.

And no wonder. While Ciera was educated here in her days, Vlari's father, a commoner like me, knows nothing of Whitecroft. "There's a hag in a well, at the edge of the grove. She's been there for a long time. I thought she’d have some advice."

"Oh, I never doubted old Traffatel would have plenty of advice." Ciera shakes her pretty head. "But I never would have sent someone to their death to find out what she’d deign to tell us."

I don't point out that this makes her a weak ruler. She doesn't need to be told that.

"You were reckless, Drusk, but I can see you're well. If you've come to us, then I take it what she had to say was helpful?"

"The protective spell we need to close our borders. I have it."

I repeat the hag's spell word for word, and let them take it in. Word for word.

Tears of enemies, blood of friends, and Copyright 2016 - 2024