Shades of Passion - By Virna DePaul Page 0,59

that I first met you, that you wouldn’t have. Right?”

“What are you? A psychiatrist or something?”

“Something,” she agreed. “What are you, a detective-soon-to-be captain or something?”

He shifted in his seat and turned to face her. Hesitantly, he reached out, then absentmindedly wound his fingers through her hair. “That’s the plan. But you know what they say about getting what you wish for.”

At his touch, tension seeped out of her bones. Her fingers’ own grip relaxed and her hands drifted apart. Her breath grew easy and soft. Simon stroked her hair then ran his fingers up the base of her neck and massaged her muscles with a light touch. He stared at her, intently, his lips parted. His chest rose and fell heavily with each breath he took.

“We’re all afraid of screwing things up,” she whispered. “I’m afraid of screwing things up. But I believe in you. That might not mean anything to you, but I do.” Unencumbered by the seat belt, she twisted, rose up and kissed him, tangling her tongue with his, matching him breath for breath. Heat slid from her chest to her core, followed by a wet sensation between her legs. A delicious slickness she hadn’t felt for a long, long time. Until Simon had come into her life.

“Nina,” Simon murmured against her lips.

Emotion, not just passion, swept through her like a tidal wave. And that scared her enough that she pulled away. Being open to a temporary fling was one thing, but she’d been kidding herself. She really did believe in Simon. She liked and respected him. And as much as she wanted physical intimacy with him, she craved emotional intimacy with him even more. He’d just given her huge insight into himself, and it wasn’t enough. She wanted more. And the more emotional intimacy she wanted from him, the more she felt herself backing away from the physical. She was swamped by the same insecurities that they’d been talking about. That she only thought she was ready. That her instincts were misleading her. And that she was going to screw things up for both of them.

She wasn’t ready to have sex with Simon—not yet. Maybe not ever. But he’d opened up to her. And given her the chance to open up to him as well, even if she hadn’t shared as much as he had. She was grateful for both.

With a hand, she stroked his cheek and then cupped his jaw. “I’m sorry. I’m not sure what came over me.”

He tipped his head and kissed the palm of her hand, then grinned at her. “I don’t know what came over you, either, but I liked it.”


AFTER THE DRUNK-AND-DISORDERLY stop at the park, Nina accompanied Simon on a few other calls, all of them uneventful. At the end of the day, he drove her home, promising to pick her up in the morning and leaving only after going over the new security system that DeMarco had installed. It was pretty straightforward, which she kind of regretted since it took Simon all of thirty seconds to explain it to her and then he was ready to leave again. After an awkward hug and gentle command that she “be careful,” he was gone.

She spent the next half hour mulling over their conversation at Golden Gate Park, and then mulling over their hot and heavy kiss. She’d been scared by the power he seemed to have over her. She still was. But that didn’t stop her from fantasizing about that kiss turning into something more. Something that involved them both naked and horizontal. He took turns exploring first her neck, then her breasts, then between her legs. That particular spot was aching so much she was actually contemplating doing something about it when Karen called and invited her to have a drink. She figured drinks or masturbation were her two choices for the evening, and since masturbation would be a very poor substitute for the real thing...

Now, Karen listened patiently as Nina described the calls she and Simon had experienced, and how the patrol officers and Simon had responded to the various situations. Of course, she refrained from talking about Lester Davenport or Six. There was no need to dredge up the past or worry Karen, especially since nothing else had happened and likely wouldn’t. She was safe. When she wasn’t home, she’d be spending her time with Simon, and when she was home, she’d be protected by the new security system DeMarco had installed.

“So there’s definitely room Copyright 2016 - 2024