Shades of Passion - By Virna DePaul Page 0,113

that each of them wore identical expressions of concern as they stared at Simon and the woman by his side. Karen was her friend, not to mention a woman, so she would understand the kind of betrayal Nina was feeling. But this man was a stranger; she must really look poleaxed for him to be exhibiting such concern. “I need to get some fresh air.”

“I’ll come with you.”

She shook her head. “No, Karen. I’d like to be by myself. Please just leave me alone.”

If only everyone would leave her alone, she thought as she quickly walked out of the banquet hall and down a long corridor. Karen, Simon, grieving fathers, psychotic killers—every single one of them.

But they wouldn’t. They hadn’t.

And, she realized, even if they suddenly complied and left her alone from this very moment on, the damage was already done.

Nina no longer felt safe.

She suspected she never would.

* * *

SIMON WAITED OUTSIDE the women’s restroom for Rita Taylor to come out. As he did, he scanned the room, spotting Commander Stevens and the mayor at one table. Carrie and Jase were there, too, dressed to the nines and each covering different sides of the room. To his surprise, he even saw DeMarco at another table, talking to a pretty Asian woman. It was the same woman—the same doctor, he realized—he’d seen walking out of Welcome Home the day he’d first met Elaina Scott. Was she the “counselor” DeMarco had told Jase about? If so, why were they here together? For personal or professional reasons?

He decided he didn’t really care. DeMarco looked more like his old self again. Relaxed. Smiling. And from where he stood, that was pretty damn amazing.

As he watched, DeMarco looked up and caught Simon’s eye. He jerked his chin in greeting and Simon did the same. He couldn’t talk to DeMarco now. Couldn’t let down his guard. He’d sworn to give Rita Taylor his full attention, his full protection, while she was here. Once they saw Archer and she confirmed whether or not he was the man who’d paid her off, they’d be done here.

When he still didn’t spot Archer, his gaze continued to roam the room.

His scan, however, came to a screeching stop when he caught sight of a beautiful blonde woman in a floor-length navy gown. Nina stood in front of the bar with her friend Karen, and an older man with graying hair and a gray suit.

What the hell was she doing here?

Almost immediately, however, his gaze returned to the man beside her. He’d seen him before...but where? For some reason, he envisioned the man wearing a blue polo shirt...

Wait! That was it. He’d seen the man at Welcome Home. He was the security guard Elaina Scott had told him about. The one who’d looked familiar to Simon the first time he’d seen him, only he hadn’t been able to figure out why. Now, the knowledge tickled at his brain but still remained just out of reach. He’d never actually met the man before, Simon thought. But he’d seen his face. In a photograph? A file?

Yes, he thought. A personnel file.

The name Harold McGrogen clicked into place.

He’d been a cop. One who’d retired right around the time Simon had been promoted to captain. That’s why he looked familiar. But why was he talking to Nina? How did they know each other?

He’d just stepped forward to find out when he remembered Rita Taylor and cursed. He couldn’t abandon his post. Not now.

Talking to Nina would have to wait.

Even so, his gaze ate her up. She looked amazing, but she could have been wearing a cardboard box for all he cared. Her presence made him feel a thousand times better and a thousand times worse. He didn’t want her anywhere near the man he now suspected of murder, yet even as he had that thought, Gil Archer walked into the room.

He was surrounded by several of his high society cronies. The man looked to be in his element, shaking hands with this person and waving at another. He reminded Simon of a politician rather than a businessman/security expert. Then again, schmoozing had always seemed to be Archer’s specialty. Hopefully, it meant his guard was down and he’d react with the surprised horror Simon was expecting when he caught his first glimpse of Rita Taylor.

Something brushed against his arm and he heard a gasp.

Rita now stood by his side.

As he watched, her eyes widened and she went white. “It’s him,” she said. “I see him. He’s Copyright 2016 - 2024